AK-47 Book Author on C-Span 2 NOW

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Saw it. Seems like the auther knew a bit about his subject. The bed-wetting interviewer had no clue. Did you catch the reaction when the author said "We have no gun problems here in the U.S."? Thought Mr. BrookingsInstitute would faint.
I don't think either had any clue of what they were talking about.

"Faster firing semi-automatic guns (than other semi-automatic guns)."

"The North Hollywood shootout of 1997 being the inspiration for the movie Heat (that was filmed in 1994 and released 1995)."

"American gun regulations are something to be proud of."

All the talk about guns being something magical and not being able to be reproduced by anyone with a minimal of machining experience.

Two East Coast Eloi who do not own guns, do not shoot them, have never trained in them, talking about guns. Typical Washington D.C. nonsense.:rolleyes:

However, I did enjoy the look on the Brookings Institute Eloi when the author stated that the "Assault Weapons Ban" was a complete failure.:D
This is the same author who said the AK was developed in response to the German MP-40, which had been developed for the purpose of more effectively machinegunning prisoners.

Another great line from the interview which is illustrative of the mentality out there was the question from the Brookings Institute rep concerning "how long these weapons remain good for" (paraphrased). It was if firearms are wine and will turn to vinegar after a certain number of years.:rolleyes:

The author replied that "they" had found AKs that were 25 years old and still in service. Wow, where did they look, my basement?:p

Only in D.C. could such frauds spout such ignorance and not be laughed off the stage.:scrutiny:

Anyone know where we can get transcripts? Pointing out the stupidity and lies could be a great THR group project.
I saw it... but I couldn't keep watching when he kept saying that our soldiers all question their weapons because the Iraqi's insist on AK's. :rolleyes:

I know guys who've been in te sandbox and they've even had the option to carry AK's if they wanted while out on patrol with Iraqis... and they chose not to...
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