All the fault of the gun industry.

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Jan 5, 2003
Westville, Ill.
Most of you know the Illinois Supreme Court threw out the city of Chicago's lawsuits against the gun industry. The Champaign News-Gazette today has an article about the father of one of the slain teens, who was part of the lawsuit. Basicly he will never guive up trying to make manufactures responsible for gun violence. he said he came to see Mario Ramos, the convicted killer of his son, as a victom of the gun industry.
"These kids are being set up by the dealers," he said. "They'er young, they've got hormones racing through them and the dealers know what is going on."
I am sorry for your loss but I can't understand how anyone could become so confused. It has been a long time since my "hormones were racing" but they had nothing to do with guns, and everything to do with girls.
I wonder if he has thought of suing the movie industry as well. I can't think of a more effective advertisement for firearm violence than just even the pictures on the movie posters or VHS/DVD covers.

Well, if you're blaming someone else then why not? :confused:
This guy murdered his son, and now he calls him the victim? The victim?

Is he smoking crack?
as I posted on the SWB Yahoo board: it is news to me that guns kill people. I always thought other people did that. I better lock mine up in a safe before they decide to get randy.

People will go to any length to demonize what "society" considers unacceptable. Big corporations are among them. The fact that big corporations employ millions of people, pay millions of dollars in taxes, provide services for millions of people, and often provide retirement funds for millions of investors somehow gets overlooked. So if corporations are bad, then tobacco companies are obviously the worst. Gun makers come maybe second. Liquor companies after that. Maybe fast food companies after that. It is insane.
I just had a thought after reading this post.

We all know that hold yourself responsible for anything seems to be a passing phase, everything has to be blamed. When I read of this kind of stuff it seems to me that these people don't want to blame any one person. They feel bad if they are angry at the murderer, so they label him a victim and get angry at something that we feel is an object, or entity, but not a person. Think about it. Blame the gun industry. While this will eventually effect people, this man doesn't see that. He sees an inanimate entity to blame, just as the gun is inanimate. Same goes for every other excuse. How often is one person held up to blame for something. I think it may be that people like this can't even stomach that.

Sorry if this incoherent, just something that crossed my mind.
Destructo6, you bet. Old Al was a poor, mislead victim of society! Prohibition was just a TOO GREAT TEMPTATION to become murderous! It's the societies fault that just couldnt stop drinking alcohol albeit it was VERBOTEN.

I thought only Lemmings commit mass suicide.
Shhhhh! Don't tell anybody!

Can you keep a secret?


Really promise?

Okay. Here goes. The root cause of crime...


Now, don't tell! You promised, remember? Shhhhhhh!
I firmly believe that it is some people's opinion that noone is capable of being a criminal. That in some way, they had to do the crime to survive, or they were tricked into doing it. If that is so, then it is understandable. Not right, but understandable.

I, on the other hand, believe that most people are capable of anything. As a saying I heard arounder here a while ago goes: "In God I trust. Everyone else, keep those hands where I can see them"
We all know that hold yourself responsible for anything seems to be a passing phase, everything has to be blamed. When I read of this kind of stuff it seems to me that these people don't want to blame any one person. They feel bad if they are angry at the murderer, so they label him a victim and get angry at something that we feel is an object, or entity, but not a person

The real reason the blame is being put on the gun industry, or big corporations in general is because the low life criminal can't pay out a couple million to the victim's family. I'm sure this father has no problem calling the criminal a victim now that he's locked up, he just wants a leg to stand on when he goes after the big pockets of the gun makers and dealers.
I'd second Ralphie.

Responsibility in our society is not related to what was actually done by whom but rather seems dictated by who has the most money to cough up.

If I go and steal an 1899 Smith Handejector and shoot someone to death with it then Smith is obviously responsible since their name is on the product. The gun owner may be responsible if he has sufficient funds. The criminal is just as much a victim as the deceased unless he happens to have assets.
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