And the anti's call the NRA "extreme"...

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Jun 29, 2012
From Salon

"Gun praisers are just like the people who were in favor of slavery back in the day–– the elite, lazy and ignorant who weren’t being beaten, raped or in the field doing the work, so they were perfectly okay with involuntary servitude, which is a problem and why I think gun owners need to feel more––they need a taste of the other side.

So if you love guns, if they make you feel safe, if you hold and cuddle with them at night, then you need to be shot. You need to feel a bullet rip through your flesh, and if you survive and enjoy the feeling**––then the right to bear arms will be all yours."

Interestingly enough, the author is an admitted former gangbanger, and states in another article that he owns multiple firearms.

"It’s easier to get a gun than a job in east Baltimore. I went to Fat Hands and Naked’s crib with $300 and came out with a two-toned .45 that had a cracked safety. For a few more $100’s I could got a Glock, or a dirty Desert Eagle."
"I’m not a gangster (Dude, you just spent half the article describing how you were) and could not care less about weapon shows or trips to a shooting range, but I have two guns. I don’t want them, but I need them to protect my family. I need them for the multiple Second Amendment abusers who foolishly think pulling a trigger isn’t cowardly. I need them because African-American murderers are a diverse group, and most important, I need them because the media and mainstream America only get emotional over mass suburban shootings that involve non-blacks while we are in slums getting popped every day."

Thoughts? The irony here is stunning. He was a gangster, he is surrounded by gangster activity, the violence he describes is all gang related, but its not the gangs...its all us law abiding gun owners that are the problem.
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hrmmm....i think they must have forgotten to add the "must be shot" requirement when they wrote the 2A....

but if thats the case?.....who does the shooting? did he get a gun?, who shot him?.....someoene has to be shot inorder to own a gun, but inorder for the shooter to own a gun they have to be shot, so who shot the first gun owner?

its like a chicken/ egg riddle.

also, the author was a drug dealer......and apparently doesnt think much of our national forgive me if i dont give a damn about his opinion.
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Sorry but you lost me with the first paragraph of this bizarre diatribe.

Moving right along now, elsewhere in the news...
Rev. Ken Blanchard's blog blackmanwithagun exposes the hypocrisy of this fool.
First of all, if Watkins’ tale is to believed, he is a criminal. In the article, he admits to owning two firearms, despite stating that he lives in Baltimore, Maryland, under some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation:

“I’m not a gangster and could not care less about weapon shows or trips to a shooting range, but I have two guns.”

Nowhere in the article does he mention obtaining the state-mandated permit to purchase his handguns. That’s a crime. He also does not mention registering the guns with the state…that’s another crime. I saw nothing about his obtaining a license to own a handgun, as Maryland requires. Crime. And he also doesn’t mention getting a permit to carry, although to be fair, he does not specifically say that he carries his guns outside his home. But it is apparent that Watkins’ gun ownership is illegal and he knows it, as the article’s subtitle reads, “I’d rather be caught with a gun than without one.”
It's Salon. They'll say any pathetic, desperate thing in hopes of getting outraged people to click on their link and leave angry comments so they can pay the bills. Its the equivalent of getting upset about the random yelling of the drunk, homeless guy standing on the street corner.
Hey, I resemble that remark! ;)

"I usually ignore anything coming out of the mouths of "gangsters"."
You really shouldn't. Bear in mind, that this guy's boss's boss's boss, when he was still (ostensibly) bangin', was probably also working for the mayor (or at least purchasing his favor). In many ways, organized crime became even more entrenched since the Prohibition days, and now exists many an incestuous relationship between crime-ridden ghettoes, rent-seeking law enforcement organizations, and 'social outreach' funding/programs courtesy of the same people who helped see these neighborhoods into desperation through destructive policy.

1) Destroy neighborhood's economic engines (NIMBY's closing factories/etc)
1.5) Encourage or turn blind eye toward growth of organized crime that fills the void
2) Lament crime wave, pass tons of laws with fines/jailtime
3) Beg state gov/Uncle Sam for funding to build/run jails, and also to 'aid' the poor
4) Selectively enforce aforementioned laws, reap beaucoup state/federal tax dollars for prison maintenance & via siphoning penalty fees from locals, and cash seizures from the attracted drug business (it's how organized crime pays its 'taxes'). Due to #1 & #1.5, this step never really ends.
5) ...
6) Profit!

See how local gangbanger's motivations end up playing directly into the financial assistance peddled down from on high? Block grants form a pretty hefty portion of many city budgets, and the crime/aid/enforcement circle provides a very telegenic & self-righteous money-laundering scheme for the overseeing officials.

I don't think we should concern ourselves too much about diatribes like this. They're simply deranged. No, there are more rational antigunners that we should be concerned about.
Rev. Ken Blanchard's blog blackmanwithagun exposes the hypocrisy of this fool.

Nowhere in the article does he mention obtaining the state-mandated permit to purchase his handguns. That’s a crime. He also does not mention registering the guns with the state…that’s another crime. I saw nothing about his obtaining a license to own a handgun, as Maryland requires. Crime. And he also doesn’t mention getting a permit to carry, although to be fair, he does not specifically say that he carries his guns outside his home. But it is apparent that Watkins’ gun ownership is illegal and he knows it, as the article’s subtitle reads, “I’d rather be caught with a gun than without one.”

While, I agree that all those things are crimes, I also feel (along with many of us) that these items should NOT be crimes. Don't be so quick to demonize him for breaking unjust laws we'd rejoice in seeing repealed.

The problem here is the violent individuals that make him want to arm himself (the same kind of people that are why we want to arm ourselves) which he somehow associates with law abiding gun owners, or more likely our unwillingness to accept Government regulation. Of course, what he's forgetting is that even in the total absence of guns, thungs are still thugs and a baseball bat or a knife or whatever is just as good as a gun if the thug has a few friends or just has more physical strength than you.
I don't think I could care less about what one ******r with a pen thinks. I used to care. Time was I'd have spent half an hour typing a reasoned response backed with well-researched facts. But they don't care about facts, so that's a waste of time.

Here's what I do now instead:

Eventually, another person who either has no gun experience or who is afraid of them will cross paths with me. I have a 10/22 and I'll donate 50 rounds to introducing them to shooting. So far, 2 out of 3 of the people I've done this with have bought their own 10/22's, and the other owns a Walther P22.

So Yeah, Salon-gang-banger-dude: Blow all the hot air you want. I'm winning, and all I have to do to beat you is treat people with respect and let them shoot a .22.
Well, those who read this junk are already solidly entrenched in the idea of gun control. This opinion piece isn't likely to change anyone's mind, especially when he contradicts himself in so many ways. The people who do read this junk just nod their heads in agreement, refreshing the air supply in their empty heads.
From Salon

"Gun praisers are just like the people who were in favor of slavery back in the day–– the elite, lazy and ignorant who weren’t being beaten, raped or in the field doing the work, so they were perfectly okay with involuntary servitude, which is a problem and why I think gun owners need to feel more––they need a taste of the other side.

So if you love guns, if they make you feel safe, if you hold and cuddle with them at night, then you need to be shot. You need to feel a bullet rip through your flesh, and if you survive and enjoy the feeling**––then the right to bear arms will be all yours."

Interestingly enough, the author is an admitted former gangbanger, and states in another article that he owns multiple firearms.

"It’s easier to get a gun than a job in east Baltimore. I went to Fat Hands and Naked’s crib with $300 and came out with a two-toned .45 that had a cracked safety. For a few more $100’s I could got a Glock, or a dirty Desert Eagle."
"I’m not a gangster (Dude, you just spent half the article describing how you were) and could not care less about weapon shows or trips to a shooting range, but I have two guns. I don’t want them, but I need them to protect my family. I need them for the multiple Second Amendment abusers who foolishly think pulling a trigger isn’t cowardly. I need them because African-American murderers are a diverse group, and most important, I need them because the media and mainstream America only get emotional over mass suburban shootings that involve non-blacks while we are in slums getting popped every day."

Thoughts? The irony here is stunning. He was a gangster, he is surrounded by gangster activity, the violence he describes is all gang related, but its not the gangs...its all us law abiding gun owners that are the problem.
and all of what you posted is lost on the anti gun crowd. we are the problem not the thugs and mental cases right?

the government has an agenda t disarm us. they cannot control us if we are armed. History tells us that!
I don't think I could care less about what one ******r with a pen thinks. I used to care. Time was I'd have spent half an hour typing a reasoned response backed with well-researched facts. But they don't care about facts, so that's a waste of time.

Here's what I do now instead:

Eventually, another person who either has no gun experience or who is afraid of them will cross paths with me. I have a 10/22 and I'll donate 50 rounds to introducing them to shooting. So far, 2 out of 3 of the people I've done this with have bought their own 10/22's, and the other owns a Walther P22.

So Yeah, Salon-gang-banger-dude: Blow all the hot air you want. I'm winning, and all I have to do to beat you is treat people with respect and let them shoot a .22.
great work. very creative solution. Takes time but wins friends
We are advised by the Liberals to NOT judge ALL "Your Favorite extremest group" by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.

Funny how that works.
We are advised by the Liberals to NOT judge ALL "Your Favorite extremest group" by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics.

Funny how that works.
Good point. :)
There's extremes on both sides in every argument. Not everyone involved in those arguments are blessed with intelligence. This is a prime example.
Actually, it is the gun control and confiscation clique that seems reminiscent of a rite or cult of fetish worshipers. If you have a fetish, you are obsessively fixated on either an object or a body part.

Their mentality is that guns are in control of situations, and when we see unfortunate examples like those in Baltimore or Umpqua, we shouldn’t see human beings who have gone off the right moral road because their consciences and self-discipline have not been properly developed. Instead, we should see guns in control of the situation, and then we should react against the guns. “Gun violence” should be called human violence, leaving us at least the dignity of being responsible for our own sins.
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