Anyone hiring???

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Oct 14, 2005
Boerne, TX
I'm going to need a new job soon.

I'm pretty sure my tenure here is nearing an end.

Most all of my coworkers think I'm a of psychopath. I spend whatever precious few moments I have at my desk (when not in the field) laughing to hysterics. Out loud. For long periods of time.

***As a sidenote, it doesn't help that most here know I belong to gun-enthusiast forums on the internet (two, to be exact, with the Beretta Forum being the other), and the few anti/near-anti's that are hear think I'm some sort of armchair commando, with the usual lack of appreciation for owning a firearm at all, much less more than one. Heck, one of them thinks I should only have long hair if I'm a musician (he can choke on that one. I played Tuba from the 7th grade all the way through college). He's kind of a tool.

Of course, I didn't have to tell anyone that I was a firearm enthusiast, or even an owner. These things just kind of come up. I'm not going to lie.

One could even go so far as to say that I should reserve such internet antics to my own personal time (which I'm considering).


I'm NOT here to accept responsibility for my own actions. That will get me nothing. No, if I'm going to go after the REAL reason for my impending doom, I must have my firing finger out of the trigger guard and into full pointing mode.

It's all your fault, LAWDOG.

Now, when can I expect my salary offer??? Something in South Texas, around $36-40,000/yr.

That stuff is just too funny, and for those of you who are convinced that I require a psych evalution (soon), check out ANYTHING at the following:

P.S. Lawdog, if you're reading this (and haven't already contacted my local authorities), it's time to unveil PART III!!!!!!!!
OMG! I never knew about this site. THANK YOU! this is great. I'm glad I work form home.

Laughed so hard my lazy old cat had to come and check on me to see what was the matter. He can't have anything bad hapening to one who can work the pull top on the can's.
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