Are Gun-Banners Crazy?

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
Are Gun-Banners Crazy?
By Jennifer Freeman

The page did not transfer correctly due to some comparison
charts. The story starts out with ...

Britain, the country once famed for its unarmed bobbies, is now the most violent country in western Europe. This is in spite of the fact that the people have been disarmed and now only the police have guns.

Repeat. The British have been disarmed and only the police have guns in what has become the most violent country in western Europe. And yet, the ultimate goal of gun-ban organizations like the Brady Campaign, the "Million Mom March", the Violence Policy Center, Americans for Gun Safety, and the United Nations continues to be the disarmament of the people.

The premise of the gun-ban argument seems to be that anyone who owns or attempts to own or possess a firearm is a potential criminal and therefore requires special governmental attention, intrusion, and approval. This is clearly reflected in the way firearms legislation is written and passed through the legislature.

Unfortunately, these laws do nothing to prevent crime. In fact, such laws actually work in favor of violent criminals by preventing victims from fending off an attack.

Consider the following examples:
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