Armed Citizen's Legal Defense Network, a network that protects YOU

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Nov 6, 2004

  • Ever wish there was a resource for firearm owners that would network you to a list of attorneys that are willing to defend their clients with an affirmative defense justifying legal use of self-defense? Not just an attorney with only experience in trying to plea down criminal charges?

  • Ever wish there was an organization that has a pool of funds that will help provide you financial aid if you're ever unfortunate enough to become involved in a self-defense legal case and need to fight charges in a criminal and/or civil court? A situation which can easily cost in excess of a hundred thousand dollars?

  • Ever wish there was access to recognized expert witnesses to testify at your court case? People like Massad Ayoob?

  • An ever-expanding network with serving board members and participating firearms training schools/individuals that are highly recognized, like Chuck Taylor, Massad Ayoob, John Farnam, James Yeager, Tom Givens, Dennis Tueller, and more?

  • Free and discounted educational materials?

  • Discounts on training courses from participating schools?
Well, there is one such organization. The Armed Citizen's Legal Defense Network. Their mission statement?
Believing that armed self-defense is a legal and moral right, the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network, LLC exists to aid, educate and support lawfully-armed Americans who are forced to defend against criminal attack.
The organization is the brainchild of Marty Hayes, founder and director of the Firearms Academy of Seattle whom has extensive credentials ( He recently obtained his post-graduate juris doctorate in law and instead of practicing law, he has focused all his attention on the ACLDN and expanding it's reach. While it is only around a year old, it has been growing exponentially and it's bound to be a large success. As it grows, the list of affiliated attorneys, industry experts, and participating shooting schools nationally will increase. It's been a long time coming, but the ACLDN is an organization that will help you out in terms of financial burdens, providing credible expert witnesses, and networking you with attorneys and other industry experts. The NRA is a great organization and it occasionally helps a high-profile, national-level case, but their mission statement and funds aren't dedicated to helping it's members in the legal aspect. The SOLE PURPOSE of the Armed Citizen's Legal Defense Network is to help it's members out in all aspects of the legal field. To protect you by educating you and providing aid.

Currently, law enforcement officers in a post-shooting situation have the financial backing of tax dollars from their community and their police department. They have moral support of their union or professional association. The media usually doesn't spin them as criminals.

When the civlilian enters the same set of circumstances, he or she has no such financial or moral support. The media often spins them as a criminal out of control. Civilians often feel very alone and it puts a huge burden on their friends and family. It can be a very lonely and costly road.

I signed up for this after hearing about it. There is an annual membership and 20% of the fee goes into the pooled fund which will be drawn upon to help members that may become unjustifiably prosecuted in a justified self-defense case. So the more members there are, the larger the pool. There is also a growing list of corporate sponsorship which is adding to this pool, so as word spreads, I have a feeling this organization will grow by leaps and bounds. I already gained back half my membership fees by purchasing educational materials at a discount (which can be documented and used in a court of law as proof of training!) Even if you choose not to join, I think you'll find very little, if anything negative to say about such a movement! Its about time civilians had some sort of network or association that can come to their aid. Please spread the word. We really need an organization for gun owners that revolves around legal defense and issues!

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