Arrow distance vs draw weight

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Feb 10, 2009
My nephew wants a bow for Christmas. Hes 5 so with his mothers permission I figured this would be a good first choice.;BRprd745263;cat103968180#tabsCollection

Im wondering with a 10 pound draw if this would be something he could shoot in his backyard. I dont think there are any archery clubs in his area. I figure with guidance and one of them big foam blocks there shouldnt be an issue but Ive been out of the archery game for about 15 years.

Any thoughts?
One of my archery shooting buddies has a little one who is 6 and shoots the recurve version of that bow (a Goblin), so your nephew will probably be able to handle that. 10 pounds is pretty low and often will not fly 40 yards unless he really arcs it. That said, at closer it will go into a haybale or foam block: That equals skin penetration so safety rules must be observed just like any ranged weapon. There is nothing wrong with backyard shooting so long as you are fully aware of what is behind the yard in the direction fired. If the yard is 10 yards long and behind the fence is the neighbors backyard, probably not a good idea.
Thanks! I figured it wouldn't go 50 yards at 10 pounds without a high arc. Ill have to ask his mom how the yard is set up. Sad to say I've never been in the back yard. All I know is there's a privacy fence on one side
I literally just got this bow delivered to me today. I bought it for a christmas present for my son who is almost 6. I shot it in the backyard to test it and it hit the back fence that is about 20 yards away with about the force of a vigorously thrown rock.

That is IMHO perfect for a starter bow.
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