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Aug 8, 2003
Central Florida
Not to long ago I remember a thread that had to do with the media calling any amount of guns or ammo siezed in any kind of police raid a arsenal. While I normally agree that they are full of it for calling 3 guns and 2000 rounds a arsenal, in this case I have to admit that I may agree.

" A raid in April found nearly two pounds of a cyanide compound and other chemicals that could create enough poisonous gas to kill everyone inside a space as large as a big-chain bookstore or a small-town civic center.

Authorities also discovered nearly half a million rounds of ammunition, more than 60 pipe bombs, machine guns, silencers and remote-controlled bombs disguised as briefcases, plus pamphlets on how to make chemical weapons, and anti-Semitic, anti-black and anti-government books. "
This guy sounds interesting. I bet the anti- lit was a copy of the Turner Diaries, and the chem-weapons lit was the Anarchist cookbook. He doesn't sound like he is wrapped too tight.
I agree - normally "dangerous arsenal" gets a big "B.S." from me, but this certainly sounds like a dangerous guy, with a pretty impressive set of gear.

Still, I don't think that posession of "stuff" should get you in trouble with the law - even if you are a weird, neo-racist whackjob, as this guy sounds like...
Wow... thats got to be at least $50,000 worth of ammo alone.

Got to wonder what the cyanide and suitcase bombs were for.:scrutiny:
Cyanide compounds are used...

for cleaning gold in the jewelry manufacturing industry. It is dangerous as all get out to do that, by the way.

I suppose one could use the pipe bombs for fishing... but it doesn't sound real sporting....

I've got more than three guns and more than "a couple" boxes of ammo. And I don't worry about most any of you guys having the same. Machine guns and suppressors don't bother me much.

The pipe bomb and cyanide guy does give me a little pause.

On the other hand, I used to know a guy who was interested in explosives. He was forever talking about making up some sort of IED just to hear the boom and see the blast. I don't know as he ever did, nor have I ever heard of his arrest for domestic terrorism. I really don't think he was any more of a threat to the public wellbeing than some other friends who are really rotten drivers.

But there are laws. We are all big kids; make your choice and stand your consequence.
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