Assault Weapon Ban Poll

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I didn't realize they left polls on that long. That same poll has been discussed and the general concensus is that its rigged.

"Gun Week" for May 10 said that most Americans want the AWB renewed, according to polls they cited. (The polls were not of their making; it was just something they reported.)

I doubt if 5% of those responding know what the ban is or that it's essentially useless in fighting crime. Poll takers probably make it sound like a valid public safety issue.

Lone Star
I doubt if 5% of those responding know what the ban is or that it's essentially useless in fighting crime.

As I said in another poll thread, you could pass a law prohibiting people from serving Cheerios to their kids for breakfast and if you called it the "Child Abuse Prevention Act", 75% of the public would support it without having the slightest clue what it was.
I was at the range this afternoon shooting my MAK-90, and one of the guys at another bench asked his friend "what kind of gun is he shooting?" "its an AK" "i thought those were illegal?"

So the friend goes into telling the guy some of the stuff about the grandfathered guns and such, but neither of them really had much of a clue. These are usually the types of gun owners that support the AWB, because they dont really know what it is.
It's not surprising that most people support it. Outside of gun forums, the number of people I've talked to who knew what the AWB is without my having to explain it could be counted on one hand, with fingers left over. This also goes for some gun owners.
30% for lifting the ban
70% for extending the ban.

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