Auxillery Sights

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Jun 11, 2006
North Central Florida
Setting the way back machine for 1974 and Neu Ulm Germany I recalled an evening shooting an original front stuffer which looked amazingly like a P53 Enfeild and I was told it was.

I shot round ball with a patch and two tubes of whatever the flask he was using held. Yes we loded directly from the flask, ignorance is bliss and in that case thankfully not deadly.

The thing that stands out abut that rifle was that it had a set of sights with a sight radious of only about four inches on a [ bracket shaped peice of metal out by the muzzle. I was told this was a set of offset sights for use when the rifle's bayonet was attached as the bayonet occluded the front sight. I was told the rifle was standard for one of the German Pricipalities. The club I was at was barely on the Bavarian side of the Danau, but no idea of whether this was Bavarian issue or not.

The sights worked to keep shots on out to fifty meters, though I did not get to try it with a bayonet.

Anyone else seen anything like this an know anything about them?

PS if the loading directly from a flask scared you, I will not speak further of hammering a bare ball down the rifling of an original flint lock Jager rifle with a heavy iron ram rod.

Ah, to be young and foolish, it's a wonder I lived to be old and foolish.

-Bob Hollingsworth
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