AWB math and keeping the heat on

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Jul 10, 2003
I wanted to remind us all of some very important numbers.

In 1994, the Dems controlled the White House, the House of Representatives, and the Senate.

Slick Willy was still a hugely popular president at the time.

Even with the Dems in control of the White House, the House of Representatives, and the Senate, the AWB barely passed.

In the House, it passed by two freakin' votes.

In the Senate, it passed by one freakin' vote....and that ONE vote was a tie-breaker vote cast by none other than VP Al Gore.

Here's the result of the above formula......

Dems lost the House and Senate in 1996. In 2000 Al Gore lost the Oval Office largely due to his stance on gun control.

There have been stories posted here recently about how Gun Control won't be an issue in the next campaign.

I say it's time for us to make it an issue.

Contact all your Congresscritters now, and then contact them every week, and remind them of the high political costs of supporting any sort of gun control.

I don't think the AWB has a hope in Hell of renewal, and even less of a chance of being strengthened.

But, let's keep the heat on those politicians and remind them WHY gun control is a losing issue. Keep those numbers in their heads.

Those who pass gun control don't have their jobs come next election cycle.

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