Barney Fife's revolver

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Jan 17, 2003
I seem to remember an article by Jerry Ahern some time ago in "Handguns" magazine on this topic, but I'm wondering if the good folks here at THR can assist on this...

I was watching an episode of the classic "The Andy Griffith Show" last night and it was one where Fife drew his "blue steel beauty."

Does anyone know specifically what make/model of revolver he was outfitted with? My assumption is that it's a .38 Special of either S&W M&P (Model 10) or Colt persuasion.

Go do a search on this topic has been discussed several times before. Search for Barney Fife.
Yep, BOTH of 'em.

I notice that while I was preparing to answer, makarov already suggested you try the search feature. I believe it has been covered well on BOTh The High Road and on The Firing Line.

I've seen publicity still photos verifying what I recalled from the series - - Ol' Barney used BOTH Colt Official Police and S&W M&P revolvers. Pretty sure the Colts were in both four and five inch barrel trim. Don't recall the S&W in other than four inch.

Gotcha covered on that one, Ledbetter - - -

I'd call it a Remington or Peters or possibly UMC, 158 gr RNL. Can't guess if a standard or High Speed.

The case apeared to be fairly shiny brass, not nickle, and the bullet was the dark grey. Winchester and Western of that era were all the Luballoy (copper colored) plated bullets.

All the above is based upon my clear recollection of one time when Barney held up "The Bullet" in a fairly tight shot in one episode.:p

(Why do I recall this minutiae but can't remember a dentist appointment???)

You be the judge.

He wouldve probably been much happier w/ a thompson contender...w/ one belt loop on his rig for reloading/stashing his hoard of ammunition ;)

BTW, his holster looks a little long in that pic...they may have indeed just tossed him some random revolver on a daily basis and used the same hoslter to accomodate whatever they gave him.

- L.W.
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