Better safe than sorry

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Jan 21, 2004
Oregon, in the Willamette Valley
Last night I had an experience that greatly reinforced my decision to keep and carry firearms. I know we all talk about how having a gun is like having a fire extinguisher, better to have it and never need it than need it and not have it. I have kept a fire extinguisher in my house for years and never needed it.
Last night, My wife and I were cooking dinner. I went in the other room for ?something, when my wife comments that something smells funny. Next thing I know, she's yelling that there's a fire.
I ran into the kitchen, grabbed the extinguisher and put out the fire. The garlic bread had somehow caught fire. So then, we notice that the flame from the burners looks strange. We shut everything off, and called the fire department.
They checked our stove out, which apparently had the wrong type of burners on it, and was also missing several pieces of safety equipment. We'd never had problems before, and the stove came with the house when we bought it.

Anyway, the point of all of this is that I am now even more anxious to get my ccw than before. This simply drove home something I already knew.
Have any of you others had similar experiences which have reinforced your beliefs about firearms the way this did for me?

On a positive note, this has provided yet another point to badger my wife with about learning to use the guns. She has no problem with me having them, thinks it's a great idea, but was hesitant to learn. She seems to be coming around now.:D
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I once had a similar experience with a kitchen fire (it's a funny story, but WAY off topic). What I learned was what a MESS that dry chemical powder is. The next day we replaced our fire extinguisher with a foam type that claims to be less mess. :rolleyes: Hope I never find out.
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