Bill exempts aliens from California law

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
California legislative idiodicy at it again. :barf: :barf: :banghead:

Bill exempts aliens from California law
Citizens driving without a license
subject to car impound, illegals not

A California state senator reasons that since illegal aliens can't get a driver's license in his state, they shouldn't be subject to the its penalties for driving without one – and he's introduced a bill to exempt them.

Sen. Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles, a long-time proponent of driver's licences for illegal aliens, once claimed on a Spanish-language radio station that he and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger were working together to craft a driver's license bill, despite the fact that the governor had campaigned on a platform of denying the documents to those unlawfully in the U.S. Schwarzenegger vetoed Cedillo's bill under political pressure, so the senator crafted a measure to circumvent California's ban.

Under present California law, police have the option of impounding the vehicle of a motorist caught driving without a license. Cedillo's SB 591 would exempt those whose status as illegal aliens prevent them from having a license.

Serious driving offenses like drunk driving are what police should be concentrating on, Cedillo said, "not towing people's cars who are taking their citizen kids to school, church or the supermarket. It's just a bad policy and it doesn't make sense."

Mike Spence, president of the California Republican Assembly, a conservative political activist group, decried the bill's "double standard."

"If you're a citizen and you break one law, your car will be impounded for 30 days. If you're already breaking another law and you break this law, you get away with it free. It's a 'Get-your-car-out-of-impound-free card' for illegal aliens, and it's wrong," Spence told the L.A. Daily News.

There's no reason for illegal aliens to drive without a license, notes Lt. Steven Allen of the LAPD's Valley Traffic Division. Officers are required to accept valid licenses from other countries, even if the driver is in the U.S. illegally. California's impounding provision is useful for getting unlicensed driver's off the street, he adds.

"I probably get more complaints about this very issue from people who are involved in traffic accidents than any other issue," Allen said. "(They say) here I am in this country legally and I have a driver's license and I get rear-ended by someone who has no license, who is here illegally and has no insurance. How am I ever going to get money for the damage to my car?"

Allen estimates that his division impounds 80 to 120 vehicles each time it sets up a license checkpoint.

While the federal Real ID Act, presently before Congress, would deny standard licenses to illegal aliens, states would still be able to issue separate documents permitting illegals to drive. SB 591 remains on hold, pending the federal bill's final outcome, but Cedillo sees it as a backup if California still refuses to extend driving privileges to illegal aliens.
Why are we even considering giving licenses to illegal aliens when they should be arrested? If it's a felony to knowingly hire an illegal alien, then what's the punishment for knowingly giving a license to an illegal? :banghead:
Is this a clue about California? Aztlan, MecHa, all the illegals coming across to vote Democratic, I just can't wait for the new Mexican garrison to haul down the Arizona flag for thiers over our fair city....NOT!
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A California state senator reasons that since illegal aliens can't get a driver's license in his state, they shouldn't be subject to the its penalties for driving without one – and he's introduced a bill to exempt them.
10 year olds can't get a license in my state, so should my little sister be able to drive around without being penalized at all?

If somebody is pulled over, and they are in this country illegally, they should be sent packing. I still don't get why this is such a difficult idea for some people, like Sen. Gil Cedillo, to grasp. The fact that illegal aliens are so accepted just boggles my mind :confused:
Cedillo's primary focus is immigrants, especially Latinos, and he seemingly cannot distinguish between legal and illegal. Yes, Arnold was working on a licensing plan for illegals, but it would have distinguished them from legal citizen drivers. Cedillo and other "activists" found this objectionable, so, no licenses for illegals at all.

Hey, it's California. If illegals were kicked out, who would do the landscaping and watch the kids? :rolleyes:
If you're a citizen and you break one law, your car will be impounded for 30 days. If you're already breaking another law and you break this law, you get away with it free.

Yippee! Twice as much fun in the People's Republic of California!

Maybe only illegal aliens will be allowed to have .50 caliber rifles, too.
discrimination anyone?

I suppose someone should point out this is illegal reverse discrimination,not to mention unconstitutional. Or is the mexican constitution in force in California now.
Cedillo said, "not towing people's cars who are taking their citizen kids to school, church or the supermarket. It's just a bad policy and it doesn't make sense."
this is a prime example of another problem. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding of the current law is that anyone born here is automatically a citizen; meaning if a pregnant woman sneaks across the border and has a kid, the kid is a citizen and neither of them can be deported. The law should be changed so that the "if you're born here you're a citizen" think only applies if the parents (or mother) of the child are here legally.
It would require the constitution to be changed, or for the supreme court to make another one of its hilarious interpretations.

Thanks to that little thing with slavery, we changed the citizenship requirements.

It is obviously long past time that we fixed it, but we cant even get congress to guard the border, how the hell are we going to get them to modify the constitution in a good way?
Cedillo is a joke. I mean really? How can it be that anyone can take the man seriously. I was listening to this being mentioned on the radio. This bill is utter madness and is another example of the inmates running the asylum.

He promptly needs to be sent packing to the country of his choice.

This is stupidity in it's purest form.

Lets make illegal immigrants exempt from our laws!
That's it, California really is part of Mexico as far as I'm concerned. The real United States would never even consider this. Seriously, come on now, what do we have to do to stop this nonsense already!? This is absolutely ridiculous.

I suppose noone else thinks that "CEDILLO" has a slightly biased position on this either? Name doesn't sound Mexican/Latino in any way :rolleyes: .
nico, you are absolutely correct. Changing that law (actually the constitution) would bring about a drastic change and a serious reduction in welfare payments.
Beerslurpy, you are also absolutely correct, in that there seems to be no one in Congress with the cojones (sorry, bad joke) to go out on that skinny limb and propose such a change.
So, where does that leave us?
How about we kick this up a notch or thirty, and exempt illegals from all laws? How about that, sympathizers? Sound good? Should get lots of support and pass easily.

Oh, yeah, minor detail, this also exempts them from any constitutional protection which they may claim. We'll just bury that in the fine print. :evil:
Well......if you're going to go this far, then why have ANY state laws apply to illegal aliens.
No fishing licenses needed, No speeding tickets, No 10 day wait on gun purchases, they can park in the handicap spots all they want......
Hell!..... I think that if they run into the law, the officer should be required to apologize to them AND hand them a $100.00 bill.
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