Bob Barr May Run for President as Libertarian

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Feb 19, 2007
Sunny Tampa Bay, Florida!
Polly ticks, so expect this to be closed in short order...

But, if you're concerned about your gun rights at all, you'll support McCain... it's hard to imagine a worse situation than Clinton or Obama would put us in! A Libertarian presidential candidate, if present in the general election, would harm McCain's chances more than anyone else.
I don't like McCain, and like a lot of you I'm sick of every election boiling down to choosing the candidate who "sucks the least", but I think it's imperative that we support McCain. The next President is probably going to make two Supreme Court appointments, and while McCain might nominate liberals we know Obama or Clinton will. Supreme Court nominations are probably the most significant legacy any President can leave. It's one of the few bright spots in the current administration, IMO.
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