Brainstorming Ideas On How To Counter MDA and Bloomberg

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Sep 13, 2011
Brainstorming Ideas On How To Counter Moms Demand Action and Bloomberg

Lets use this thread on how to come up with solutions on how to deal with Moms Demand Action and Bloomberg (who funds MDA).
Hand out pamphlets exposing who is funding MDA and to show how it is not a grassroots organization. Do this at all the places that caved into MDA. And do this at places that have not yet caved to MDA.

Start a boycott list of places that caved into MDA.

Have central 'go to' website that can coordinate these ideas nationally.

Perhaps someone with financial resources and with a private detective background could do a behind the scenes investigation of the group, it's members and the money trail. And then publish an expose...(if it hasn't been already done).


If the other side starts taking up protesting Kroger stores with people with signs, then we need to be there too with our own signs and also out number them in support of Kroger and any other store that are also facing these people.

Support Kroger and thanking them for their neutral stance.

Kynoch suggested
and also suggested " Please call Kroger at 1-800-576-4377 ext 3 to thank them for standing up to MDA."

I think you are missing the point. The companies don't want to be involved and used as a centerpiece one way or another.
I see they've claimed another restaurant chain today, Panera Bread. Never liked their food anyway. This one seemed more about open carry, nevertheless, bread? Whatever.
That's kind of a broad arena. What specifically do you want to counter? When they released their ads, the NRA-ILA released ads of our own. When they had their bus tour, there was a swarm of pro 2A demonstrators at each of their stops, they had to hide the location until the last minute and even then had more 2A supporters than MDA supporters.

When Bloomberg created his 'every town' campaign a pro 2A person/group scooped up the facebook page every town and last I knew was using it as activism to counter Bloomberg's propaganda.

So there's been quite a bit to counter them, my 2 cents is to pick a specific item to counter and try to brainstorm that, whether it be one of their ads, campaigns, tours, local events, etc.
Vote with your wallet. If a business joins their "campaign" don't ever spend a dollar in that business again. A Panera Bread just opened in my town and I'll never visit...
Not to downplay the threat that Bloomie and his cronies pose (we should definitely counter it) but Panera gave the same non-response that we've seen from other establishments lately: pretty please don't walk around our establishment with guns, we won't post signs or adopt an official stance, carry on.
Not to downplay the threat that Bloomie and his cronies pose (we should definitely counter it) but Panera gave the same non-response that we've seen from other establishments lately: pretty please don't walk around our establishment with guns, we won't post signs or adopt an official stance, carry on.
As much as it still sucks, this isn't as bad as posting no carry signs. They did a please don't carry, cover our a** statement and it's back to life as usual.
Suggested talking points, information and links to use in pamphlets and media.

I'm not so sure that the average person on the street is aware of who MDA is, they are hearing the line from the media that it is just a grassroots group of concerned moms about guns and who want sensible laws.

Why should we care? Well we need those average people on the street on our side, or at the very least to stay neutral. People have no idea who is behind MDA unless we tell them. However they have heard of Bloomberg the mayor who wanted to ban large soft drinks in New York City.

Well now Bloomberg wanted to ban sodas in New York City and now he is spending his own personal money to fund an anti gun group disguised as a grassroots concerned moms organization.

So the former mayor from New York is funding a group disguised as a concerned moms grassroots group and is trying to set gun control policy in Ohio as well as the rest of the country and he isn't even running for office. An unelected New York resident is trying to set policy for Ohio.

Because some activist group in Texas decided to protest Texas open carry laws by carrying rifles into restaurants in Texas ... some grassroots concerned moms group (funded by Bloomberg) uses that event in Texas as an excuse to pressure Kroger in Cincinnati Ohio to ban firearms in their stores despite the fact no one in Ohio, Kentucky or Indiana has seen anyone carrying in a rifle into Kroger....any of the other supermarket and department store chains around Cincinnati.

Some things I would recommend in the pamphlets is to mention the ATF stings that Bloomberg was involved in. I'm sure the average person on the street is unaware of this


Mayor Bloomberg dispatched private investigators to several states, where they apparently made straw gun purchases in an effort to file civil lawsuits against gun dealers. The mayor refused to turn over alleged evidence obtained during this vigilante operation to ATF or other proper authorities, and instead exploited the affair to advance his own political agenda.

“Nowhere in state or federal statute does the mayor of New York or any other municipality have the authority to launch such a rogue investigation, especially one that extends beyond his jurisdiction,” Gottlieb said. “Our letter to Attorney General Gonzales raised serious questions, and I am now assured that the ATF is looking for some serious answers. Mayor Bloomberg should step forward and provide those answers without delay.

“Instead,” Gottlieb observed, “Bloomberg has beguiled scores of his colleagues to join this anti-gun enterprise. This is an area of serious criminal investigation in which municipal mayors have absolutely no business interjecting themselves, especially for a political sound bite."

Or if that doesn't work how about this?

ATF Probing Mayor Bloomberg's 'Rogue Gun Sting'

What does Bloomberg think about the Constitution? Well the following excerpt might be of interest.

"Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Has to Change"

"According to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the recent terror bombings in Boston require a new interpretation of the Constitution to give the government greater power to protect citizens.

"The people who are worried about privacy have a legitimate worry," Bloomberg said during a recent press conference. "But we live in a complex world where you're going to have to have a level of security greater than you did back in the olden days, if you will. And our laws and our interpretation of the Constitution, I think, have to change."

According to a article, the anti-gun Bloomberg claims that recent attacks on the Second Amendment have left him confident that such re-interpretation is possible.

"The Supreme Court has recognized that you have to have different interpretations of the Second Amendment and what it applies to and reasonable gun laws," Bloomberg said. He employs the tactic of incrementally "lowering the bar" by suggesting that Americans should be willing to give up a degree of freedom in exchange for a degree of security.

"It really says something bad about us that we have to do it. But our obligation first and foremost is to keep our kids safe in the schools; first and foremost, to keep you safe if you go to a sporting event; first and foremost is to keep you safe if you walk down the streets or go into our parks," he said. "We cannot let the terrorists put us in a situation where we can't do those things. And the ways to do that is to provide what we think is an appropriate level of protection."

Bloomberg would do well to remember what Benjamin Franklin had to say on the subject back in 1775: "Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

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I believe some of the information and talking points above would be good pamphlet material to hand out to people on the street, to hand out at companies who caved into MDA, and companies who are under attack by MDA.

One more thing, Does anyone really think MDA is just going to stop at opposing open carry in stores? In case anyone forgot...MDA let the cat out of the bag.....

"Ohio's laws for open carry does not require a background check, no permits needed, no age limit, and no training requirements," said Mueller. "

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The NRA/ILA....

Join and support the NRA. Show that buying or using guns is normal.
Push for firearm safety training or storage/security measures for those who either can't afford it or don't know what they need.
We don't need smart guns, we need smart gun owners. :D
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