(Britain) Robbery classes for businesses

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
Robbery classes for businesses

Nottinghamshire police are offering local businesses master classes in how to cope with an armed robbery.

A professional actor will play the role of the robber in the simulated raids.

Nottinghamshire Police said an increase in armed robberies on post offices, banks and building societies had caused concern among local businesses about how to react during a raid.

The free classes will start later this month.

Mock raid

A police spokesperson said they hoped the mock raids would show employees how best to deal with dangerous situations without getting hurt.

Helen Mincher, crime reduction manager, who is organising the courses, said: "We are responding to the increasing concern of the local business community about robbery.

"Staff from Nottingham firms are being offered the unique opportunity to take part in a controlled, simulated robbery with a professional actor playing the role of an armed robber, which will be a powerful learning experience."

The police courses will be offered at Hucknall police station and will cover what to do during a robbery, measures to reduce the risk of robbery and coping strategies to lessen the effects of post-event trauma.

There are 40 free places being offered to businesses in Nottingham for the Armed Hold Up Safety Training Courses.

I guess the police figure that, if you practice getting robbed often enough, the real ones won't seem too bad, and then you won't have to trouble the police with those silly reports....
And the classes that show you how to draw your CCW and centerpunch the goblin are where? Oh, you have to go across the pond for that.

What's all this then? Why all the concern over mere cell phone theft?
Ahhh...cell phone nicking is it then? Yarbles! Great bolshi yarblockos say I! Go for a bit of the old ultra-violence like a droogie good and true!;) :D

Why don't the "Great" Brit bobbies just show the keepers of shops how to write a terribly nasty letter to the perps? Did the ones that the Coppers penned not work?:confused: :rolleyes: :uhoh: :barf:

:scrutiny: LOSERS!
Just as the little girl wondered how they got all the bats to poop in the bat guano fertilizer bags, I wonder how the Britninnies got all the robbers to follow their script...? :rolleyes:
agricola hasn't posted since January 21st when he was mauled pretty badly about a Cambridge University Study that was pretty embarassing to him.
America does those too.

At least, in Washington state, everyone who works late night retail (11 pm to 6 am) is required to receive "Crime Prevention Training."

No, really. http://www.lni.wa.gov/wisha/rules/l...296-832-200.htm

I was hoping I could get a job at the StopNRob and have my employer pay for my next class at FAS, but no such luck. Apparently "Crime Prevention Training" means, training in how to hand over the cash. At least, so I assume from the recommended video: "Is it worth your life?"

I don't have the heart to sneer at the Brits. They aren't that much further down the road than we are.


Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make good use of it! If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it! -- John Quincy Adams
For entertainment, spend some time browsing the UK "home office" crime reduction website. The inherently passive approach to being a victim of violent crime, expressed with that dry brit dialect...maybe its just me, I think its a laff riot!

some excerpts:

You will be safest in bright, well lit and busy areas.

Try to look and act confident – look like you know where you are going and walk tall.

You might like to spread your valuables around your body. For example, keep your phone in your bag, your house keys in your trouser pocket and your money in your jacket.

If someone tries to take something from you, it may just be better to let them take it rather than to get into a confrontation and risk injury.

You can use reasonable force in self-defence. You are allowed to protect yourself with something you are carrying anyway (for example, keys or a can of deodorant), but you may not carry a weapon.

If you decide to defend yourself, be aware that your attacker might be stronger than you, or may take what you are using in self-defence and use it against you. It is often better just to shout loudly and run away!

Shout 'fire' rather than 'help' – it can get more results.

If you use a wheelchair, keep your things beside you rather than at the back of the chair.

Try not to be conspicuous about the valuables you are carrying. Talking on your mobile phone, carrying a laptop, or showing your friend your new gold ring all show thieves that you are worth robbing.

When out walking or jogging, you should not listen to a personal stereo through headphones, so you can stay more alert to your surroundings.

ps: I came across a "crime reduction forum" on their website; you have to register and be approved before gaining access...that should be a hoot, wonder what would happen if a sudden surge of pro-rkba foks started showing up?
I really hope this affliction doesn't plague GB for any significant amount of time. The Brits that I know are good people but their whole society needs a good dose of reality.

Also, don't forget that our "Home Office" makes us look like sheeple worldwide with that ducttape and sheeting recommendation...
What happened to the British people who ran an empire where the sun never set and took on Hitler. Tony Blair our "Ally" in the war on terror is making the people of the country the perfect victims for home grown terrorists. I know it is not all Blair but he is the head of the government and if they continue to deny the people the natural right of self defence he deserves to be held accountable.
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