bugbite holsters

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Feb 4, 2006
I have been in a job or retired from a job that required off duty carry of a firearm since 1981. That is over thirty years of trying different carry methods for concealed carry. I was never a fan of ankle carry on the job because of the time it took to get my weapon, or for off duty because most holsters were flat uncomfortable. That being said, being retired in a warm weather environment, and after coming to really like my bodyguard 380, I tried this holster, and found it to be perfect for me in winter or while wearing jeans or dress pants. It rides easy, and you hardly notice your wearing it. I can't say how it will work with my sig 290, but with the little bodyguard it really is great. If anyone is looking at a concealed holster that is not uncomfortable, I would really encourage you to look at this holster.
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