CA – First handgun purchase 2003

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rock on.......keep buying guns no matter how hard those morons make it for you.

Out of all the meaningless BS gun laws we (mostly you) have to deal with, I actually agree with (and voted for) the so-called gunshow loophole thing, as it is the only one that actually does something pro-active.

We have to do the thumbprint thing up here in biggie though as you are gone with your pistol(s) or rifle(s) in 5 minutes or so anyways. It's not like the prints ever leave the store and even if they did, I have nothing to hide.

just to rub it in a bit, the last gun I bought in CA was in 1983...... a Colt CAR 15 for $399 NIB from those ever so macho arrogant loosers at B&B Sales in the Valley, took it home the same day!! HA!

A year or so later I left for the Army and would NEVER (ever) move back to CA, no job or $$$ amount could get me back. I'd move one of my poor old parents up here if the other one passed away at great expense instead of moving back down to that hell hole.

btw- I still have the CAR-15
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