California is lost. Vote Libertarian!

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I'm from Missouri. Missouri, I'm told, is a battleground state.

I'm gonna vote straight Libertarian unless there is no candidate, then I will vote for anybody else who is not a Dem or Rep and if none of those, then I will hold my nose and vote for the republican. If a dem is running unopposed, then I will write in "Ozzie Osbourne". :D

If Bush wins, I will remind all you lesser of 2 evil voters Long and Loud when he signs the new improved AWB.

If Kerry wins, I will pray for gridlock, which is the most likely outcome.

There you have it.

Bush? AWB
Kerry? Gridlock
Badnarik? who knows, maybe liberty.
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The moment the Libertarians acquire enough political clout to be a viable alternative to the jackass or dumbo parties, they will find their party hijacked by the same power-mad dirtbags that made you hate the other parties...
I'm not sure this hasn't happened already.
The moment the Libertarians acquire enough political clout to be a viable alternative to the jackass or dumbo parties, they will find their party hijacked by the same power-mad dirtbags that made you hate the other parties

I really regard such a thing as unlikely when the whole platform of the party is basically reducing the power that government would have. It's not some Marxist "oh, we'll have a world government for a while, but then it'll just magically somehow wither away", it's power reduction from start to finish.
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