California State Senator Proposes Fee, Background Check For Bullet Purchases

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Whenever I think California politicians couldn't get more absurd with their anti-gun agenda, they raise the bar yet again.

One wonders what will stop people from merely driving across the border to buy their ammo?
So is there a background check between individuals? And even so, how do you trace ammo as it has no serial number? Sounds like a couple of guys could just go across the border, buy some, bring it back and sell it and there'd be no way to trace it. So another feel good law.
Without SCOTUS relief (and don't count on it), CA and some other states will completely stamp out the 2A.
This Im not even worried about taxes and fees at this point, have you guys seen the Assault weapons/Mag bans and all the other crap that was making progress and passed the senate?
Meh...if you don't like it...leave that pos state.
That's part of the problem. The Californians left and came to Colorado... see what happened after that.

The problem I have with this is some states actually look to California as if it's some kind of "progressive beacon of light" - California does it, they want to do it. THAT is a problem. A big one.
Horrid. I'll never live there again. The inmates truly run that massive asylum. Nice weather is wasted on that state. I wish they could just send all Californians to Canada or Mogadishu (don't really care which) and then start fresh.
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