Can I use those little drying agent packets?

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May 6, 2003
Would it be a good idea and safe to drop a packet or two of that silica drying agent that comes with electronics in my foam lined gun cases?
IMO, yup. As small as those packets are, they'll probably do very little protection, but it certainly couldn't hurt.
Those cute little paks also come with every big bottle of drugs. So scoot down and make friends with your local pharmacist and ask him/her to save them for you.
Yeah, they're better than nothing, but those little packets are really designed for spaces about as big as a couple packs of cigarettes. Better to go to a decent sporting goods store and get one or more much bigger packs of dessicants, open them up, put the little rock crystals in cheesecloth or something, and distribute as needed.
you can dry them in an conventional oven too at low heat. The dessicant changes color when they become saturated.
Some will change color, but not all. If you scrounge some and you're not sure what you have, it might be saturated even if it seems to be of "normal" color.
The skinflint sez...

Don't dry 'em in the microwave. Gas oven w/just the pilot light will do it. Be cheap and save your $ for ammo.
Just regular uncooked rice seems to work fine.
Put some on a cookie sheet, and put it in the oven on low heat.
Let cool in the oven so moisture doesn't condense back on as it cools.
Put it in a breathable bag, it becomes a dessicant.
Take it out of the bag every so often, and re-activate it in the oven.
Don't make the same mistake I did!

I picked up a small (margerine sized) tub of dissicant at the local hardware store. I had used it in my gun safe when I lived in North Carolina.

Then I got a bright idea.

Put some of the stuff in a sock and tied the end off.

Put the sock in a foam lined rifle case.

Put my AK 47 in the case and headed to the range. Did the same with a Winchester Model 94 that was new.

Left the cases in the car in the sun for about a half hour while I looked at stuff in the range store.

Went to the range, opened the case and the dissicant had melted and was quite caustic.

Ruined the finish on the AK. Rusted the hell out of it. Ruined a spot on a new Winchester Model 94. Rusted right through the blue.

I had to send the AK off to shootinirons to get it refinished.

Unless you store your guns in the cases or keep them in the cases for extended periods of time they are not likely to rust in a few hours.

I don't know how the medicine bottle or camera case little packs of dissicant work or if they will melt. But the hardware store stuff that comes in a small tub will wreak havoc with your weapons if it gets hot and melts:D
If you use a dessicant be sure to change it often!!!

Their purpose is to absorb water to keep it away from something else and they do that well. When they become saturated they do not hold the water vapor and will allow it to circulate in a closed space. Can cause your firearms to rust. Learned this the hard way. So, use it but be careful and replace it from time to time. Sooner rather than later. Good shooting;)
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