Can someone please tell me what kind of barrel rifling my autos have?

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Nov 6, 2006
I have the following autoloaders:

-Colt Commander .45 (new production, S80)
-Kimber UCII .45
-H&K USP compact .40s&w
-Glock 19 and 26 (9mm)
-Ruger LCP .380

My real reason for making this thread is to find out what kind of ammo is acceptable to shoot through my guns. I recently learned how to reload my own ammo by going to my girlfriend's grandpa's house, where he likes to share his favorite hobby with me by letting me reload my own ammo for free:)

Now I know polygonal rifling is more accurate and reduces barrel pressures, so it's supposed to be "better"..I think. But isn't there an issue with shooting lead ammo through this type of rifling? Or is it the other way around, where you aren't supposed to shoot FMJ out of conventional rifling?

I'd really like to start reloading all the calibers I own, so it would help me out a lot if I knew what I can shoot and what I can't. My goal is to extend the life and accuracy of my barrels by preserving the condition of the rifling during extended target practice.
I can speak only for the Colt, Kimber and Glock: My understanding is that Glocks have polygonal rifling and therefore you should not shoot lead in them as it tends to make them go KB. The Colt and Kimber have standard land and groove rifling.

I face the same issue as my oldest son, despite a decent raising on my part, has adopted a Glock. I suppose I will have to buy jacketed slugs to reload for him.

Someone will come along right soon to set both of us straight, I'm sure.

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