Can the Militia win with superior weapons?

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I would think...

that there would be many many defections from the regular army and many failures to follow orders as soon as they were ordered to fire on their own families and friends and neighbors. It's one thing to go to another country and shoot the natives but when the natives are us, it's something altogether different.
Any militia action would have to resemble the tactics of the American Indians. Miminize casulties by attacking soft targets & skedaddle when it gets too rough. Don't stand up to a battle because you can't win. Our militias got whupped plenty of times by the British in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 (OK, we won @ Cowpens, Saratoga, Siege of Boston). Consider what our Armed forces did to the Iraquis, a militia cannot stand up and expect even a reasonable chance of success. Snipe and cut out. Sabotage and that's about it.
Actually, I would be shocked and amazed if that wasn't EXACTLY what's going to happen in Iraq -- except for one thing -- the oil companies that are now getting their hands on the previously-nationalized Iraqi oil won't allow it. A U.S. pullout would mean they lose that oil and frankly I don't think they care how many G.I.s have to die to hold on to it, and the public won't be allowed to decide the matter. And since the oil companies and their banker associates control the campaign funds, neither a Republican nor a Democrat administration is likely to pull out.

By the way, does anyone else see any irony in the fact that under Saddam Hussein an Iraqi could buy a rifle or a handgun in the town market but now U.S. soldiers are running document checks and house-to-house searches for "illegal firearms"?
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