Candidates gun control position

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Mar 6, 2006
Pittsburgh Tribune.
"I ... think we should reinstate the assault weapons ban (that expired in 2004) in order to give our police officers a fighting chance against the criminals on the street with these military-style assault weapons," Clinton said Tuesday.

Senator Obama, quoted by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, admitted, “I am not in favor of concealed weapons. I think that creates a potential atmosphere where more innocent people could (get shot during) altercations.”

Here is a link to the article:

here is a short lived thread!

none of them are gun friendly this is common knowledge so why this thread?
IBTL with this thought;

The police get their fighting chance with superior training and tacitcs and properly maintained weapons; not to mention coordinated back-up.
John McCain's New Mexico campaign manager reply(the last time McCain ran for President) when asked about how McCain stood on the assault weapons ban and high capacity magazines:
Gun owners and the NRA will have to get used to more gun control laws.

Everyone should know by now we are just voting for least of two evils again. Just waiting for a better candidate that can win.
The quivering fear exhibitted by THR staff in regards to adressing our legal system's approach to representative government and the obvious legislative implications of our elections is extremely LOW ROAD. I sincerely doubt I'm the only one to notice this even if I'm the only one to say it.

To add to that list McCain has for years been trying to close the "gunshow loophole" in direct colaboration with Joe Lieberman. Yes, it's a field of stinkers and incrementalist gun banners. It would be wise to take the high road and stop playing good cop/bad cop with them. A vote for any gun control candidate is a thrown away vote though honestly the entire concept of a thrown away vote is just painfully wrongheaded. I'll rephrase that to simply "a vote for a pro gun control candidate is a vote for more gun control and there's really no silver lining to one gun control candidate's incrementalism versus another gun control candidate's incrementalism."
The quivering fear exhibitted by THR staff in regards to adressing our legal system's approach to representative government and the obvious legislative implications of our elections is extremely LOW ROAD.

I wouldn't categorize it as fear, unless by fear you mean "getting fed up with watching people engage in the same red-faced, impolite discussions over and over before throwing a bucket of water on them."

Incidentally, in case you hadn't noticed, we've got two sub-forums on THR dedicated to activism in the name of RKBA, which seems to be a much more effective way of addressing our cause than pounding on our keyboards about how Obama/McCain/Clinton are a bunch of gun-grabbing cryptonazis.
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