Can't imagine why all that support the 2nd A...

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How many gun owners/psychiatrists do you actuallyt know... most that I know are rabidly anti-gun...
I personally know eight, three are gunowners/shooters. The other five are not pro- or really anti. Kinda the two that ride motorcycles and the six that don't really care about motorcycles.

do you actually think that in a later testimony when the psychiatrist is called back to the stand to have this person's rights restored that he's going to risk his license to say that the prior "medical or psychological" condition no longer exists and this person is safe to have a firearm??? Most of these guys/gals (psychiatrists) don't think the average citizen is safe enough to have a firearm. This field (psychiatry) usually (not always) attracts the more anti-gun physicians.

Yep, and the nice thing about this legislation is that my attorney can call in 10, 20, 500 p-shrinks to say "He's fine now" and refute the testimony of the one p-shrink that says "He as nutty as fruitcake and should be on the no-gun list."

Whereas right now, if I'm on the list because Bill Clinton told the VA to put everyone (somewere between 88,000-144,000 veterans) who ever saw a VA p-shrink about PTSD or anything else mental healthwise, they're on the list forever with no chance to ever get off, and without receiving due-process and been adjudicated.

At least now they get a chance to removed from the list by either a in-house relief from disabilty review board/panel and if that board/panel says "No" or does nothing for a year, I can go to court and file suit to get my rights back. I think that's a huge improvement and fail to see how it that's a bad thing or disarms veterans as the GOA claims.
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