"Can't one of these Hollywood bozos support our troops and country" ???

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Dec 25, 2002
We have been watching the Oscars and not one -- I mean NOT ONE -- person on stage was wearing an American flag lapel pin!!!

:cuss: :cuss:

We heard from jerks like Michael Moore, but why can't one of these multi-millionaire Hollywood bozos say something like, "God bless our troops!"; "Saddam is today's Hitler"' etc.

A lot of these Hollywood folks are wearing "peace dove" pins -- but not one was wearing a USA flag!

:banghead: :banghead:

Why in the world don't these Hollywood stars support the USA and our troops in a time of war?

People are dying so they have the opportunity to make millions and shoot off their big fat mouths!

:barf: :barf:

Am I wrong?

Just my 2 cents...
That's good, Standing Wolf.

Too bad so many 'patriotic Americans' just can't wait to rush out and send money to this evil machine every time it cranks out a new movie.
Dying breed

David: I hear what you're saying. I watched the Oscars just to get a break from "the War". First thing I see is Michael Moore trashing our President and the war in Iraq. I change back to Fox news. My wife and I look at each other in shock. Seems like this jerk is the new "Darling" of the Hollywood liberals since his POS "columbine" is anti-Gun. The Hollywood actors/writers/etc. who swim against this America-hating tide are few and possibly wouldn't get much work if they spoke up. I'd bet any of us over 40 or 50 can remember the Hollywood of Old with patriots who fought in all the wars since and including WWII. My Dad was an Oscar winning screenwriter who served in the Battle of the Bulge.
What happened? Political Correctness, Klinton, etc.:barf:

There are still some Patriots working in the Movie business, but I think they are hiding under rocks.
Hollywood and the entertainment industry is hugely liberal/socialist in nature and while there are some that place America first, if they were to speak in a voice louder than a whisper that old “You’ll never work in this town again†threat would certainly come to pass.

I think back to newsreels of WWII and seeing Jimmy Stewart and Clark Gable, huge stars in uniform and serving. Anyone remember Audie Murphy? An honest-to-God American Hero that was embraced by Hollywood and became a star after the war. Try to imagine that happening today.

It’s a different world today and not necessarily a better one in all respects.
I see an ocean of "peace dove" and "peace sign" lapels pins...

...and not one US Flag pin!

My question is:

Where are the Ron Reagan's and Chuck Heston's of 2003?

:confused: :confused: :confused:
After watching most of the Oscars I made a pledge not only to never watch the stupid show again, but never to pay to see another film at the theater again. I watched the Oscars for one sign that ANYONE gave a damn... but NO! Ugh, I'm just disgusted! I wish some of these idiots would live up to their promise to "leave the US" if Bush won the election. I would have PAID for their tickets!!! :cuss:
Ladybug , Welcome to THR !

I didn't watch.
Been in a dissident, tacky ain't gonna take it kind of mood all day.
Hadn't been to a movie in awhile either,seems the best parts are the trailers.

$8.00 for a movie, $ 3 for a matinee, or ammo , I seem to do the later.
David: You are not wrong. :banghead:

Ladybug: Welcome to THR! :D

I quit watching such things long ago, as in decades. :barf:

I really shouldn't be wishing ill on people, but after last night, my patience is gone. It would take a saint to sit there and listen to all of the anti-US hatred and not get upset. But all of those people out in Hollywood would make a fine target for Kim Jong Il's next missile test.

It would serve a dual purpose -- kick-start a fix to the Korean issue and clean up the shallower end of the gene pool.

:fire: :fire: :
Remember: They are 'actors'. That makes them one of the most uneducated groups in our society. Secondly, they live in a 'hollywierd' bubble all their lives-no real world experiences. Thirdly, they have spent their entire lives pretending to be somebody they are not.

Now, we should listen to them----WHY?

I believe that Mathew McConcaughey, a good ol' boy from Texas, was wearing an American Flag lapel pin. Since he was on stage before Moore ruined things, he didn't get a chance to respond, but I feel he would have, given a choice.

Hmmmm...why weren't Bruce Willis or Kurt Russell asked to present awards?
Matthew McConcaughey wore red, white, and blue flowers. Pretty much as good as a flag as far as I'm concerned, and I would've loved to have seen more of that there. The vast majority of them make me sick - though I did enjoy the boos directed towards Michael Moore.
if they were to speak in a voice louder than a whisper that old “You’ll never work in this town again†threat would certainly come to pass.

A friend of mine produced a really EXCELLENT movie a few years ago. Starring Martin Landau and Chris Christopherson, it was a great family movie. (though not for real young kids - too intense in some places) He wanted to get it into the theaters to demonstrate that good movies don't have to be filled with sex, filthy language, and violence.

I was invited to the screening (wound up sitting behind Landau) and frankly, it was Oscar material, especially Landau's performance.

It never saw the theaters, but I did catch the end of it on late night TV just few months back. i watched the credits carefullly, and all traces of my friend's name had been eliminated, including the ending scene where he pulled an Alfred Hitchcock - walking down the gangplank of a ship as an 'extra' with his two boys.

Why didn't it get into the theaters?

My friend's name is Pat Matricianna, and he had already produced some other films.

The Clinton Chronicles, Death of Vince Foster, Obstruction of Justice, etc. The Clinton Machine was in full battle array trying to bankrupt Pat with a bogus lawsuit. There was no way Hollyweird was going to help him make the millions that the film would have.

(The suit was later tossed out by an appeals court. The judge commented that it would never have come to trial if some FBI agents had not lied on the witness stand.)
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