Cleaning a .22

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Generally, the lubricant on .22 bullets gives very good protection to the bore. The externals of the gun may well rust, especially where you handle it, but the bore should be okay.
Marvel .22 conversion 30,000+ rounds, it might have had two patches through it. I shoot lubed bullets, no bulk pack copper washed crap. Something I found that is interesting was conditioning the barrel. I take 10 rounds and wipe the bullet with some TW-25B grease and shoot them. A couple of fouling shots after that and it keeps the bore nice a groups tight.

ALWAYS clean your .22 after you shoot each time. it usually wont corrode but the buildup layering of .22 lead will almost be impossible to remove and over time will cause problems. a barrell was made clean and needs to stay that way. dont sacrifice short term accuracy for long term health.
If a .22 is leading you are shooting crap ammo or have a crap barrel.
I recently cleaned my 10/22 because it was starting to have occasional extraction issues and the accuracy wasn't where I remembered it (heavy barrel). I scrubbed the action with a hoppes soaked toothbrush and ran a boresnake through it about 3 times and the groups shrunk to about half the size it was shooting. The first round was about 1/4" off the other 4 then it went back to the cloverleafs. This was after about 500 rounds or so, so I'm with the "clean it if accuracy starts to drop" crowd.
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