Crossbreed Minituck review

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Jun 15, 2010
Full write up with pics here -

The decision to purchase a crossbreed was a tough one. Not because I questioned the value of the product but because there are so many holster designers out there it's hard to narrow it down just by looking at some pictures. I searched for reviews on THR, youtube, etc., and in the end it was crossbreed vs comp-tac. I really liked that the comp-tac had interchangeable kydex bodies but realistically, I would just want a dedicated holster for each weapon and the minituck was really the size I wanted for my particular carry gun. So Crossbreed it was.

Now, I had already become very comfortable with my CCW/uniform Bug - the Kahr PM9 but I had thought IWB carry would be uncomfortable, so I had been using a desantis nemesis in the front right pocket. That holster was extremely comfortable but not exactly tactically advantageous as it can only be accessed by one hand and it left a large bulge in my dress pants and khakis (cargos were great and I still use it this way). While reading up on IWB carry through (where the owner of Crossbreed is an active member) I saw that most people seemed to think IWB was great - given you didn't carry an extremely heavy gun like the XDM in .40 and had a good belt (like the wilderness tactical products ring belt worn in the photos) . The owner of Crossbreed seemed to have a serious amount of customer loyalty and an awesome sense of customer service so I went ahead and pulled the trigger thinking I could address any issues on Defensive Carry if necessary.

Ordering: Simply put, there were no issues. The ordering process was smooth, the delivery was fast once the holster had been made (hand made to order), and the product was exactly what was advertised. Exemplary of American-owned small businesses.

Comfort: While I made my first foray into IWB I was a bit uncomfortable. Kind of like carrying concealed for the first time, I thought everybody could see this huge bulge on my strong side. They didn't, I was just being paranoid. Once I got over my paranoia I could feel just how comfortable this holster was, especially while carrying a small polymer framed single stack! In fact, the only way I do not like carrying this holster is on a hot Florida day where I sweat a lot and don't have an undershirt on. The cowhide backing kind of "sticks" and can rub your skin the wrong way. My next Crossbreed will be in horsehide, a $10 upgrade. With an undershirt and a good, stiff belt it is honestly not noticeable.

Construction: The holster is sturdy and durable. More than capable of some bush time if you choose to carry it then. The rivets are strong and the quality of the leather is awesome. I did have to use a razor knife to cut out a little indention for the magazine release button which is a common procedure and not difficult at all.

Gun ride: The holster has adjustable retention but I didn't mess with it. The tension from my belt over the kydex body is plenty enough. The gun rides extremely well, it won't fall out even when jogging (yes, I jog with cargo shorts, so sue me) but can be drawn without a tug of war battle.

Concealability: With the Kahr PM9, which is a thin, single stack 9mm, I can use t-shirts and still have little outline and that's if you know what to look for. With patterned/checkered western shirts over jeans there is no way you can tell that anything is there. I will occasionally wear this set up with a tucked-in dress shirt. The minituck does have hooks that allow this option and it just disappears. Of course body type and size of the gun make a big difference here but your covering garment is really the kicker.

Summary: It's a great IWB option. Admittedly, the only other IWB holsters I have used were cheap Uncle Mike's and Galco set ups that are mass produced so when I get hold of quality hand made American goodness I will be a little bit biased. Crossbreed has done a phenomenal job at making a well crafted, comfortable, and affordable IWB holster with the minituck and I am sure it speaks for the rest of their product line.
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