Defensive Pistol Course: Narrowed down to two possible academies

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Sep 25, 2007
My wife and I are going to take a defensive pistol course and have narrowed the field down to a couple of places.

Either Gunsite or WarriorSchool because the both offer immersion classes.

Gunsite ( a pretty famous place as it was founded by Jeff Cooper. I was planning on taking their "250 Defensive Pistol" class that lasts 5 days. I read an article in "Guns & Ammo Handgun 20008 Annual" and the author went into great detail about the 250 class. It sounds good to me and Gunsite has quite a solid reputation.

The only negatives are my wife doesn't want to spend five days, eight hours a day in a gun course and the cost for both of us is a little prohibitive at $1,386 each (2008 prices).

WarriorSchool( is a pretty new establishment founded in 2002. I first read about them online in an article on "Guns & Ammo Handguns" ( The instructors are all ex military and/or LEO. They train mostly government and law enforcement and just recently started to offer courses to civilians. I was planning to take their "Pistol Weaponcraft Package" which is a four day course.

Their description:

"This is a four day course that combines Basic Pistol, Intermediate Pistol, Home & Car Defense, and Active Shooter Response Course. The course will give you the awareness, skills, discernment and decisiveness to come home safe and be safe in your home."

The course satisfies my wife in terms of length, four days and the cost is much more in line with our budget at $650.00 each. The only negative is they are not very well known. I talked with the head instructor and he has five years active duty in the USMC and five years in the Reserves. Also, the article in the online magazine and the fact that they courses for citizens is new, therefore unknown, makes me feel that they are a legitimate, quality academy where my wife and I can learn some defensive pistol skills.

I know about other schools such as Frontsite, ThunderRanch but they are too far away or just didn't have a immersion type course that lasted long enough.

I want my wife and I to have the same training so we can both react to situations with the same mindset and understanding of what to do in an emergency/self defensive situation that's why I like to take a longish course where we both will be trained in the same skills and it will sink in more.

I have previous military experience and grew up with guns but this is new to my wife and I'm very happy that she is into trying it out. I want this to be a very positive experience for her so we can take more courses like this together and/or take courses more by myself which she will think are valuable for just-in-case-events.

So, my question is: Does anyone know anything about WarriorSchool as that is the place I am leaning because it fulfills two important criteria and since they seem to be a newer school do you think the quality of training should be fine or is Gunsite the place to be?

Thanks for any help or insights!

There are three things to consider when choosing a school, the quality of the instruction, the quality of the instructor and assistants, and the facilities of the school.

Personally I am a bit weary of schools that don't post their instructor lists, or don't have many reviews in various forums.

Gunsite's instruction on shooting technique itself is a little dated, I think the isosceles stance is better then the weaver stance, but even then they are willing to work with you, and almost everything else that they teach you is relevant.

Also spending a week drilling under the watchful eyes of various instructors is probably the best thing about these schools, you screw up, they notice and correct you. In a week you get more draws, and drills done then you will get in a year of practice on your own.

Regardless which school you choose, you will likely leave a faster, more accurate, and more confident shooter.

The best thing to do IMO, is to study under as many different instructors as you can afford. Take what works from each school and work them into your personal shooting technique.
I hear blackwater is the best,looking foward to going in the summer

Same I am thinking about attending one of their classes this summer. I hear their facilities are beyond excellent.
"Same I am thinking about attending one of their classes this summer. I hear their facilities are beyond excellent"

a quick comparison to gunsite

gunsite-5 days 1050 rounds 1386.00

blackwaters tactical pistol-5 days 2500 rounds 995.00

blackwater is cheaper,you fire more rounds,and possibility the best facilities in the country where groups like Navy Seals regularly train

(Not trying to jack your thread threadstarter,just thought you might want to look into blackwater if you havent already)
Blackwater's facilities are excellent, perhaps the best I've seen. However, I've noted their instructors keep changing, and I think the quality of the instruction is more important than the quality of the facility.
Since the OP is looking at 2 AZ schools, and thought that Front Sight was too far away (I'm thinking the Front Sight 4 day intro HG course would qualify as an immersion course), I'm confident that Blackwater is too far away too.
I would not judge the quality of a course, especially an intro course, based on the number of rounds fired.
I always think it is a red flag when a school doesn't tell you who the instructors are. They may be fine, but if they had a good reputation, the school would be pushing it. Doesn't mean they have a bad reputation; it usually means they don't have a reputation at all.
Gunsite is top notch. A number of top tier independent instructors (Cain, Jeans, Rogers, Awerbuck) have taught there. The pool of instructors that they draw from is still very good. Great facility and a 30 year track record. But yes, you do pay for it.
I recommend a 3 day weekend course as an appropriate beginners course. I think the immersion course is a fine idea, but it may be overwhelming as a first course. The itinerant courses are a great value, and you usually just need a Friday off, so you don't have to burn a full week of vacation.
What state are you in? Someone may also know of a good school closer to where you live. If you can drive instead of fly cutting down on the travel expenses helps as well.
Thanks for all the input guys!

We live in CA and are driving to the where the course is being held and at the same time we are going to visit family nearby so that is why we are restricting the schools down to two in AZ.

PPGMD: Thanks for your input. I agree with you. I phoned the WarriorSchool to ask about the instructors and their qualifications. They seem on the up and up.

Again, thanks everyone!

I had a friend who attended Blackwater. The facility was indeed excellent, but he felt the instruction was only adequate. This was before the Sep 11 ramp-up.

Have you considered Clint Smith's new school in Oregon?

Edit-read your desire to stay in Arizona. I would go with Gunsite if you can possibly afford it then. have a good time, it can be a lot of fun.
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