Diane Sawyer - Hit Piece on Guns Friday Night

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Mar 30, 2009
"If I only had a gun" is coming this Friday night. Look for it to be a hit piece on gun owners in general. The previews I have seen show silly simulations that are designed to show that having a concealed weapon would be of no use against a madman on a rampage. After the New York shooting she went on an anti-gun tear for ten minutes on the news that night asking "where's the gun control we need"? Her assertion here will be that it is safer to be an unarmed victim than to be armed for self defense, and that most people couldn't really use a gun anyway.

Now the co-host John Stossel has been fairly pro-gun the few times I have seen him tackle the issue, so who knows, he might stick up for us gunners, but Diane is a gun-grabbing AWB supporting hack who I just saw rant a few days ago about how we need more gun control to stop things like the NY shooting where 13 died.

Never mind that one well practiced CCW holder could have probably stopped much or all of the killing. But of course, NY doesn't like CCW, and the building had a "no guns allowed" rule. Worked real well for them huh???

So anyway, this should be worth watching, just to see what the anti-gunners are going to try to brainwash the pro-Obama sheep with to get the AWB back on the table. The Mexico thing didn't work, so on to new tactics I guess.
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