Did Tom Daschle Singlehandedly Shaft Us On S.1805

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Dec 26, 2002
In an attempt to win a close re-election in South Dakota this year, Daschle signed on to the S.1805 amendment late to bolster his "pro-gun" creds with the voters

Besides voting for the AWB renewal and several other poison pills to the amendment that Daschle co-sponsored with Craig, Daschle also apparently shafted Craig on a previous deal concerning conferees according to the Washington Times:

"He said the lack of commitment from Minority Leader Tom Daschle, South Dakota Democrat, to assign conferees and the fact that the House leadership has said it would not send a bill muddled with amendments to the president were his reasons."


You see, as Senate Minority Leader, Daschle would have appointed all the Senate Democratic members to the conference committee. This is probably why NRA was so confident the bill could be cleaned up in conference - they thought they had commitments from 3 of the 4 people who would be assigning members.

Instead it seems that members of his own party applied heat to Daschle and he folded, declining to commit to certain members being on the conference committee. Lacking Daschle's commitment, Craig says he decided to pull the bill.

Daschle wanted credit for S.1805 to win over South Dakota gun owners. Let's make sure he gets ALL the credit he deserves on S.1805 :fire:
I can't see how this could posibbly help as a Democrat in a conservative state like SD, but I guess I have heard he's pretty good at getting Federal $$$ for his state so I guess he thought the gamble might pay off....
IMO the reason politicians like Daschle, Schumer, "the swimmer"(ted kennedy), Boxer, Fineswine, the Clintons etc. show such contempt for the wishes of their voters and act such elitists is because it is impossible for them to have any respect for anyone that would vote for them.
<Presto, chango! I am now Tom Daschle>

Lemme see here. The peasants here in SD really believe that nonsense about hunting and constitutional rights and other assorted idiocy. So I can suck up to these yahoos by support S.1805. Easy to do. That'll give the impression that I actually will vote the way they think.

On the other hand there is a real good chance these yahoos in SD will bounce me next election. That means I'll have to actually go out and earn a living. Since SD is waaay below me, I'll just have to be a lobbiest in DC along with my amply paid wife. What's that, MS Feinstein? You mean to tell me that if I vote for S.1805 I don't stand a chance of gaining access to key Democrats as a lobbiest. You mean I won't be able to make a living as a lobbiest?

Lemme see here. On this side I can stand on principal and maybe get reelected. Or it is guaranteed that I will not earn a lliving as a lobbiest. Hey, hey! easy answer.

</Presto, chango! I am now Tom Daschle>
By the way, his comptetion this election is John Thune

He only has one gun vote recorded so far:

Voted NO on decreasing gun waiting period from 3 days to 1. (Jun 1999)

Not exactly the stirring pro-gun record I'd like to see; but I'd trade Daschle for him in a heartbeat.
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