Dishwasher Tablets in a Rotary Tumbler

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I use Cascade dishwasher liquid when wet tumbling with pins. It has Dawn, Lemishine or something like it and some anti-spotting stuff (keep your glassware shiny stuff) and works pretty well. It is a little on the pasty side so I use hot water. If I had really dirty brass, I would probably do a pass with Dawn and Lemishine then another cycle with Cascade.
Dish liquid or powder would work fine but I would stay away from the packets as I believe it would be way to much.
Well, I don't know what op wants to use, but products for dishwashing machines tend to be or contain some form of sodium or potassium hydroxide-- lye. We use various weak acids to clean brass but I've not heard good things about basic substances re: brass. --??--
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