Dixon's 31st annual Gunmakers Fair

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Mar 9, 2011
Central Pennsylvania
I had a great time last saturday at Dixon's 31st annual gunmakers' fair in Kempton, PA. I saw some beautiful flintlock guns and accouterments, I had a nice chat with Peter Alexander,the author of "The Gunsmith of Grenville County"...probably the best book ever on building flintlock rifles. I saw several old friends like Bruce Roberts, who is an outstanding multi-discipline craftsman and David Crispin, who is a professional flintlock rifle builder. I have camped with each of them. We made plans for some future 18th century camps.

I picked up a Lehigh County stock From Tiger Hunt, for my next project after the Bucks County rifle is finished. Got a great show price, and no shipping...too good to pass up.

Here's a short video on the event.


I just can't frickin believe I missed it again. I guess I'll have to watch it on PCN again. :banghead:
I had to miss it this year due to conflicting plans. It's a wonderful event and I live only about an hour away.
Mike, brother, I'm glad you made the video but forgive me as I'm going to say the same thing I did as on your Ft. Frederick video -- you basically miss the breadth and width of the entire event. If I watch this video I know almost nothing about the scope and grandeur that is The Gunmakers' Fair and'd have little reason to go. It is as much an art show as super-market as rendezvous as social event. And it is pretty big. Sit in on a seminar or two and it's a day long event which is what I have to schedule when I travel there.

My favorite quote from there of all time... "When yur cuttin' critters ya hav ta be careful." This from the unassuming Pennsylvania hillbilly artisan who usually teaches the seminar on engraving and inlay -- he was talking about cutting INTO the precious metal sheet and never out as you'll rip it with leverage.
Matt, I can't disagree with you, but I did the best I could. I will say though, that as weak as my effort was, it could be worse. I can only find two other videos on all of you tube that covered the event at all. They were each less than a minute long, and had no sound.

So, without my video, there would be virtually no coverage of Dixon's event. By the time next years fair rolls around, thousands of people will have seen my video... Maybe a couple of them will attend...you never know.
Great video Mike!!! And should be required viewing by all of us to see our heritage.
As the one British General said after the Revolution, "Never in my life have I seen better rifles then those made in America." :)
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