do you ever bring your Video Camera Recorder to the range?

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May 9, 2003
cloud base
do you like to bring your VIDEO CAMERA recorder to the range to
record yourself or your family having a fun day at the range?

I like to record myself shooting things and making them explode
or doing some rapid fire or blasting away at the hillside!

do you think the sound of gun fire could damage my video camera? it seems to be safe? and it records the sounds very

sometimes I even set up my camera a different angles for a
different effect, then when I go home I tranfer them onto VHS
tapes, to watch on a rainy day or enjoy them with friends. :D
Are you kidding? Show my friends how I shoot!:eek:

Actually, it`s not a bad idea for a self critique, especially if you`re having problems.
I've brought my digital cam along a few times when I knew pictures would/should be taken. My camera has limited video capabilities and have taken mpegs of my niece shooting one of my 10/22s (in bursts) for the fist time.
We've taken the vid out on a number of occasions. It was very helpful for me to see where I was having problems with my grip and I was able to correct the problem.

We also set it up for when we did some night firing (hubby thought that would be a real good thing for me to try so I wouldn't be surprised if I ever had to shoot in the dark). Way kewl light patterns coming off my .357 :D

We also have footage of me playing with an AK. An acquantance needed some footage of someone who'd never handled an AK before trying it with a site he'd come up with (which reminds me, we really need to give him his copy of the tape hehehehe). Now I really want an AK all of my own hehehehehe
Generally only to matches. We can then review tape and critique our techniques.

Or, like my performance at the 2003 PSA Shootout demonstrated, show people how to clear Type III malfunctions about twenty times in rapid succession. :D

If I had one I probably would. Take the still camera now & then.
Yep. Very helpful in self-critique, and if you do well on tape it can be immensely gratifying to review it with family/friends when you get back home.:D
We did the self critique thing in my public speaking class years ago. It really helps. Haven't done it at the range, but I don't have a video camera (only a 35mm SLR). My shooting buddy has brought his a few times.
My father-in-law and I do every time. It helps if you are having a ejection problem with your semi-auto's and what not. Also, we do it for the fun of having the video and showing the rest of the family.
Sometimes. We have a video of a subgun class, good training tool. Videotaped some other times, mainly to send back home.
You know, with a bad shot comes some colorful language.
Video Cam at the Range

I'm Black Dragon's F-I-L and I have on occasion had so much fun video-ing friends and relatives at the range, that sometimes I go home with clean (as in unfired) weapons. In addition to the entertainment value, I find a digital handy cam a good tool for troubleshooting misbehaving firearms. The attached photo is one of 4 frames captured during a single cycle of an "unhappy" AR I was working on. It helped me diagnose a short stroking condition. What amazed me was catching 4 complete frames in an event that was over in a fraction of a second.

I was concerned that the cam's mic might be damaged by the noise levels, but so far, no problems. Cam is a Sony TRV-530 Digital 8.
Video Cam at the Range 2

Product evaluations are more objective when I can review a video at leisure, too.

This is a 15-shot group from a Beretta 92FS rapid-fired at 7 yards with a new Crimson Trace lasergrip in bright sunlight. Pistol was held waist-high in a 2-hand grip and fired fast eough to earn a disapproving look from the rangemaster...
I occasionally do but I am very careful about taping anyone else at the range. I always seek their permission. Some people don't want to be filmed, for whatever reason, even during competitive events.
Yep did it the first time I went full auto. :) :) Also used it when taught unique weapons systems so I can review stuff. IMO I am thinking of asking if Wife can vidio advanced class while I take it. Good review and chance to see my mistakes.
I do have some old stuff of action shooting matchs. Kinda fun when wife saw it for first time. She thought I was fast (at shooting keep it clean guys) :) Till she saw some of the semi-pros.
Video Cam at the Range 3 -- Muzzle flash

Spotting scope idea works great. My cam has a 50x zoom & can fill the frame with the center of a target at 100 yds. Easily see .223 holes.

Also, the muzzle flash thing is a hoot. Would like to try this after dark, but have noise/time constraints at the range.
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