Do you really think it gets through?

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Jul 10, 2004
West Palm Beach, FL
I was just reading in the "please write this author a letter" thread...

It occurred to me. These articles we find, written by anti-gun crapheads who don't understand the issue, don't understand guns, and more to the point really, truly, evidently don't WANT to... are we really going to change their minds or enlighten them by sending them even the politest letters pointing out their errors?

I can imagine the woman who wrote that article, anti-gun as the come, reading the very first of 670 friendly letters pointing out the real facts, and getting so turned off by the fact that she has been contacted by someone who saw right through her bull????, that she just locks up her mind and may not even read the rest of the letters. It would take an objective person to read through all the letters, weigh the facts, and amend her personal beliefs based on new information or clarification -- and that is exactly what she is not.

What do you think?

Is there any purpose to writing to such an anti-gun buffoon, apart from just snubbing them and saying, "You don't fool ME, you friggin' LIAR!"?

Blue skies,
Is there any purpose to writing to such an anti-gun buffoon, apart from just snubbing them and saying, "You don't fool ME, you friggin' LIAR!"?

In a way, I believe that's reason enough to call these people on whatever farce they happen to be trying to perpetrate at the moment. Gun owners, as a general rule, are intelligent, resourceful, polite, law-abiding, and follow current events much more closely than those who don't have something at stake. We also vote in much higher proportions. It's never a bad idea to remind people of this.
Probably a waste of time but - if we do write these insufferable people then it is important I think to be as polite as possible .... despite a strong temptation to ''come on strong'' with language!!!

The one thing we must preserve, even at cost to our never ending frustration - is that lawful gun owners are intelligent and very sane folks.
It is a waste of time.

My father and I have been working on my mother for twenty years.

She continues to have an irrational fear of weapons. When I come home for the holidays, she warns me to leave my guns in the car.

My father has put his foot down and keeps a quick access pistol safe under the bed, but she continually insists that it is not necessary and that we live in a 'safe' neighborhood. But when she is at home, all the doors are kept locked, all the time, even when my father, brother and I are all in the house. She also keeps the security system on at all times.

In recent years, she has started to insist that we get rid of all the 'guns' in the basement because we don't need to go shooting people. The 'guns' are several precision air rifles, and two Anschutz smallbore rifles.

When she saw my house for the first time, she mentioned that it was foolish of me to get a place so far away from the city, since Allison would be all alone when I was not around. When I mentioned that it was ok because Ally would just shoot anybody who tried to break in, and that she had ready access to a pistol and a shotgun my mom started to tell me that I didn't need to leave guns lying around. :banghead:

I went to a fairly liberal college, and I have had people refuse to even talk to me when they found out that I *Gasp* owned 'a gun'.

And for the coup de grace look at the VCDL website. They have been doing this for years, and have had ample opportunity to actually LOOK at the data they handle every day and draw some objective conclusions, but, in a classic example of Double Think they see what they know to be the case.
I think it does serve a purpose, as a witness to the truth. Just as after the last election, many people were totally doumbfounded that their party hadn't won. They were asking themselves "how could this be?". By writting to these folks, we are telling them that they are in error. Wheather they choose to listen is their option. But at least you took the high road and warned them that they were not in close proximity to reality. When they do wake up (hopefuly, someday) they can't come up to you and ask "why didn't you tell me".

It is the noble thing to do. (Besides it's fun to pull their chain!)
If I wrote an article and hundreds of people wrote to inform me I had my facts all wrong, I'd wonder, at the very least, what their version of the facts might be.

That saidâ„¢, I'm not a leftist extremist anti-Second Amendment bigot, so it's much more likely I'm capable of perceiving multiple points of view.
Well in this case...

it apparently worked....As I got a very nice reply from the author...Note that I DIDN'T personally attack her, or her opinions (unlike some others, according to her), and therefore feel she at least listened to what I had to say (I supplied some facts, and criticized the article for lack of same.) I'm composing a reply, to her reply, right now.
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