Does Maryland accept VA’s concealed carry permit ( CCP )?

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May 14, 2005
Maryland, USA
I am living in Virginia, I just want to know that Maryland accepts Virginia’s CCP or not ? How about DC right now ? Can resident apply CCP or very difficult?

According to neither MD nor DC will recognize your VA permit.
MD does not issue nonresident permits.
DC theoretically will but you have to "show need" which nobody can please them on.
Technically, MD issues permits* equally regardless of where you live. Resident and non-resident are the same.

* -- to anyone they WILL issue a permit to, which is practically nobody.

Suffice it to say, neither jurisdiction will honor a permit from elsewhere and if you manage to obtain a permit from either place you will be one of the VERY, VERY few who have.
Neither Maryland nor DC will accept the VA carry permit. (They don't call it the People's Republic of Maryland for nothing.) You can try to apply for a non-resident permit, in theory, but don't expect any success. I don't miss going to DC since the only thing there I care about is the Library of Congress. But the MD situation is darn inconvenient.
I heard on the news today that DC just passed some sort of law that will give people money for NOT committing crimes.
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