Du-Ha Gun Rack

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Dec 6, 2003
Palm Harbor, Florida
When I first bought my 2014 Tundra Double Cab I realized I had a lot of unused real estate under my back seat. I started to look for a storage unit that would allow the storage of some truck essentials like a tow strap, med kit, shovel, jumper cables and of course a rifle or two.

Thats when I found the Du-Ha storage unit after a google search. After living with it for the last month I really don't know how a utilitarian man could go without it. It does everything I need it to do. I tried to keep the video simple and short and sweet. Hope you enjoy!

If I bought that, the first thing I would do was buy some black auto carpet and line the whole outside of the Du-Ha Storage unit to make it a little less visable to someone window peeking.
The next might be a way to lock/secure the folding seat.
Great idea though, if I had a Taco, I would get one.
Good idea on the carpet. I have 5% limo tint so nobody would see it anyway but good idea none-the-less. And I'm running a cable lock through the bottom and through the trigger guards. :)
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