Eastern PA - Media attack...........

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Dec 25, 2002
Eastern PA - Berks/Lehigh Valley
Isn't a newpaper's purpose to REPORT the news - not support a political genocide agenda??

As if the 1st tirade wasn't enough:
"Biased newspaper Editorial - Reading Eagle - Reading,PA"

The Reading Eagle has twice again attacked the 2A and citizen rights:

Aug 17th - Limiting guns sales would curb violence:

And today - Aug 18 - Deadly-force laws endanger the public:

The media viewpoint is nauseating to outright traitorous and threatening to the welfare of the general public. The Reading area is quickly becoming a mirror of the filth in Philadelphia- from both a poliitical and criminal viewpoint (one and the same perhaps??)

[email protected]
[email protected]

Please voice your opinions to the editor - even better - the advertisers.....Boscov's Dept store almost singlehandidly supports the paper---perhaps a well placed opinion to them will help??
“Nowhere in the Second Amendment does it say that we cannot pass meaningful legislation that would keep guns out of the hands of gun runners, straw purchasers and others who intend them for harm.” he said.

Someone give him a copy of the 2A.

"...shall not be infringed."

This numbskull needs to shut up.

<edited to maintain THR standards>
Nowhere in the Second Amendment does it say that we cannot pass meaningful legislation that would keep guns out of the hands of gun runners, straw purchasers and others who intend them for harm.

No where in the 1st Amendment does it say private citizens can't get a posse together, coat him in honey and feathers and run his ass out of the country into Mexico either.
PA needs to tighten its borders to keep these NY/NJ/MD people out.

At least it's only in the cities still. They'll have a long fight ahead of them to try to do much harm in this state. Not a single one ever responds to any of the polite and inquisitive emails I send them, so I guess they know they dont have much to stand on.

The hippies can cry as much as they want, we're still one of the better examples of a RKBA state.

No where in the 1st Amendment does it say private citizens can't get a posse together, coat him in honey and feathers and run his ass out of the country into Mexico either.

Ah, what a soothing image...

...meanwhile, back at the ranch: he should move out of PA if he doesn't like the freedom. PRNJ: America Ends Here, and Welcomes Leftists from PA!

And he can take the entire paper with him, too.
Innocent Bystanders

If they are so concerned about innocent bystanders being killed or injured as a result "Standing Your Ground", when someone is being attacked in public, then they should be even more concerned about people being killed as the result of high-speed police chases over a lousy stolen car. This happens too often, but it doesn't seem to bother them.
They published my comment! I am shocked, although I am still getting over the fact that they are publishing any anti newspaper editorial comments.

I am also still amazed that in the face of such overwhelming evidence they still have their collective heads in the wrong place and still publish their drivel. Maybe it is a masochistic thing, where they publish their viewpoints knowing they will be slammed. :p
For a short time after college I worked for a CBS radio affiliate in Hartford, CT as a news editor, and I can tell you one thing - it's not so much the valued opinion of the person writing the editorial as it is the response. If something generates a lot of responses, pro or con, then the news agency will run with it because it generates sales. Newspapers are especially good at this. Increase circulation, increase sales, increase ad rates.
It's more about the $$$ than anything else.
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