Email list for activism

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Mar 3, 2006
I am considering creating mailing list for issues related to 2A issues. I know that there are several message boards that I frequent and I often pick up new information that needs to be acted upon. The power of the internet has given us a great new tool to spread news and get involved like never before, but because everything is so decentralized it makes it harder be aware of everything that goes on. I can use a program that I have become familiar with at work to create a mailing list for anyone who would be interested in being on it that we could use to inform people about what is going on.

Ideally a lot of other folks would help me stay aware of what the issues are, and help provide content for it. A typical "memo" style email would include

* Special Alerts
* Pending Legislation
* Explanation of the effects of specific legislation
* National, State, and Local contact info so that people could easily get in contact with their representatives
* Templates of suggested emails, letters, faxes, etc...
* Tips and suggestions for reaching out for the RKBA.

I would like to see if there would enough people interested in something like this to take on the task. Basically I have the technological ability, and the enthusiasm and desire to get this started, but I would like/need to have help from many of you for content etc...
Note to respondents: this is different than the one us THR mod-types are trying to create, which will only be used when we get a new target/issue that's worth sending notifications about.

Not that it's a bad idea; just that it's different. :)
I was not aware that the THR mods were putting together a list. That is great because I am sure that ya'll will be capable doing a much better job than I was. I was only doing it because I saw a need for one, and lately I have been focusing on doing the job when I see a need instead of waiting for someone else to and complaining about it.

Right NOW is the time when all 2A supporters need to be active and motivated to change the laws in our country. We are strong enough if we will just act. So thanks THR, I will for sure want to be on that list. I will find some other project to devote my time to making a difference.
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