Evil Doctor Shopping

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Dave P

Dec 24, 2002
North Florida
As I read this article about one more database to keep us safe, it sounds so much like a potential fed database for tracking legal gun purchases.

Legal drugs may be tracked
By Doris Bloodsworth
Sentinel Staff Writer

If Gov. Jeb Bush has his way, a prescription-tracking system under consideration would reduce the kind of fraud committed by the Mercedes-driving vet whose recovery is being supervised in the same drug court as Bush's daughter Noelle.

"I think we overprescribe legal drugs," the governor said. "It is a major problem in our state."Under the proposed Prescription Validation Program, Florida's 17,000 pharmacies would be connected through a computerized system. The database would keep track of so-called Schedule II, III and IV drugs, such as the anti-anxiety drug Xanax and narcotics such as Vicodin and OxyContin.

State health investigators and law-enforcement officers with active cases would be the only other people besides patients who could access the confidential records. Unauthorized disclosure would be a felony, according to the legislation proposed by state Sen. Mike Fasano, R-New Port Richey and state Rep. Gayle Harrell, R-Port St. Lucie.

Asked if getting patient permission would defeat the purpose of the law, Fasano said, "We're hoping that a physician would not write a prescription to someone who would object to that [permission] form."

Currently, it is difficult for doctors, pharmacists and police to know if a patient is getting illegal quantities of controlled drugs by going to multiple physicians and drug stores, known as doctor shopping and pharmacy shopping.

With the monitoring system, which would begin in January 2004, that information would be a keystroke away.

"We could really track these pills," Orlando police Detective Randolph Lloyd said about the prescription-tracker. "We could see if a lot of people are going to see a particular doctor. That would be awesome."

Not everyone is so enthusiastic.

The system is estimated to cost about $2.3 million annually. State officials say even during this cash-strapped session, finances shouldn't be a problem.

Florida officials also agreed to share the software with other states for free.

"It's a common-sense solution," said Democratic freshman Sen. Dave Aronberg, the former assistant attorney general from South Florida who investigated Purdue. "The evil of doctor shopping has to be stopped."
Yet another bogus excuse to nibble away at your civil liberties in an effort to further prosecute the bogus war on drugs.
This kind of stuff really torques me off.:fire:
You would never go to a politician for medical advice, however they are setting the guidelines under which doctors must function.

"It's a common-sense solution," said Democratic freshman Sen. Dave Aronberg

Anytime a politician tacks on that "common sense" to their catch phrase, watch out.
The tracking is bad enough - but one of the worst by products of the WoD is the notion that we need to moderate how much pain killers we give to terminally ill people.

Yep - cant let folks who are in the end stages and delerious with pain get "addicted" or "high" - gosh, that would be just awful!:rolleyes:

Disgusting and inhuman.
It has occurred to our enemies...

that any behaviour they deem offensive, which involves a physical object is subject to the following strategy:

(cars, drugs, money, guns, computers, papers, pens, ink you name it!)

1) Enumerate: registration/licensure at point of origin
2) Track: movements/change of ownership
3) Tax: (additional charges can be brought for tax evasion in cases where registration evasion is the primary goal)
4) Accumulate: centralize the database, so there are no cracks to slip through
5) Analyse data, for patterns/profiles indicative of "incorrect behaviour"
6) Send in the boys with armor and guns, and reporters to make splashy, noisy headlines. Hit genuine hard cases that are not likely to evoke sympathy,
7) Declare "zero tolerance" policies, to encourage everyone to feel vulnerable...

...and as Grand Moff Tarkin says, fear will keep the local governors in line.
Not to worry. There is another law, called HIPPAA which will probalby supersede it and cause major conflicts so that it isn't implemented.

The second portion, the privacy requirements of HIPAA, will become effective April 16, 2003. In response to public demands, these comprehensive rules will protect the privacy of individual health information and grant the individual more control over it. Starting in April, all patients will be asked to review forms defining how their medical information will be used, disclosed or accessed. In addition to limiting access to personal medical information to those who need it, this section assures patients accessibility to their records, the right to amend their records, to an accounting of disclosures, to request restrictions, and to complain to the Office of Civil Rights if they are violated. Anyone obtaining or disclosing protected health information or using it for personal, commercial or malicious purposes will be disciplined, with possible additional financial penalties.

From What is HIPPAA? webpage.
Not to worry. There is another law, called HIPPAA which will probalby supersede it and cause major conflicts so that it isn't implemented.

HIPAA, like many (most) gov't programs is misnamed. The section of HIPAA that purportedly guarantees confidentiality is actually more of an "anti-privacy" act. HIPAA contains so many exemptions for so many government agencies that you end up having less privacy in your medical records than you did before HIPAA.

HIPAA wil not prevent this database from being implemented.

Look here for more info
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HIPAA is going to be a disaster.

As it stands now, a patient sitting in the waiting room can be called back to see the doctor with a phrase such as:

"Mr. Smith, the Doctor will see you now".

The government, however, has determined that this violates Mr. Smith's privacy.

So now it will be:

"Patient Number 12345, the Doctor will see you now."

So much for the personal touch, but you got to give guys who wear suits to work something to do I guess..
A person who is terminally ill but ambulatory could alway commit suicide by politician's bodyguards, making sure to pick those who support WoD as clients.
Take a prescribed pain med, turn in your gun

Sounds like a data base of prescription narcotic users would be a wonderful tool for the liberal police state folk to use in detecting which gun owners used prescribed narcotics.

Of course all leo, elected or appointed officials would be exempt. Sensible legislation to protect the children.

So, in the future folks in pain will relieve that pain with non prescribed narcotics and they will own and shoot firearms that have not been registered and never will be registered. Not to worry though, it's for the children.

Go ahead and collect up all the guns! Don't mean nothing! There are people out there in the hundreds of thousands who can make a quality firearm and ammunition in only a few hours. I could do it with scraps of metal, plastic, wood. With only a hacksaw, several files, a hand drill, a vise and simple hand tools, I could make a gun in a day. Give me a drill press along with a few power tools and I could make five to ten guns a day. With a bench metal lathe and a milling machine I could increase production of guns to several hundred a week. Given a few months, a machinist could make a simple lathe, using hand tools to do it! With a lathe one can then make a milling machine and other tools as needed.

So! For the children, and to prevent people from having those evil guns make it illegal to buy pipe, auto parts, metal and plastic of all types and all chemicals. Fine, when people need whatever it takes to make a gun and ammunition, they'll steal it! Some people will advance faster and simply steal a gun!

I will! have my gun and I will! have my freedom...

Honor our military and remember those that bought our freedom with their blood.

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