Evil Smith and Wesson?

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Jun 6, 2011
Hey guys, I have a question about Smith and Wesson. I have a Jframe, m&p 45 and the new shield, and I love them all. I know a few people that tell me that I have no principles and one actually called me "bozo/Obamaican" for owning a smith and wesson. I know the whole deal in march 2000 with the Clinton Admin., and I know that Saf T corp. bought them out and changed to smith and wesson holdings. I was just wondering why this guy is saying this, Am I missing something? Thanks Gents.
I have no idea what he's talking about either - Personally I think he's just jealous of your nice guns - Perhaps he's a Jennings/Bryco aficionado?
During the Clinton administration, S&W signed an agreement with the government imposing a host of odious restrictions which you can look up by Googling (I believe) "S&W HUD agreement".

I'll NEVER buy a S&W revolver with their horribly ill-designed and defective lock.

I'm thinking about a 9x19mm or .40 S&W Shield.
That is what I tried to tell him, I believe smith lost like 40% of sales over the whole ordeal. I know the guy that left smith was the prez of saf t group and is now over smith and wesson, or something like that, and Deanimator I would highly recommend the 9mm shield. I love this gun and it feels better on my side than my glock 26. I can't comment on the .40 but I have a few friends that say the recoil is kind of sharp.

Man, he really showed you his well thought out and developed argument.

I think at a certain point when someone expresses an opinion with stuff liek that thrown in it reflects quite well the level of thought you shoudl put into it.
That is my though exactly Nushif. I was just wondering if there was anything since then that smith has been doing that we all should be mad about. I know I really like my M&Ps, but I have strived all my life not to be a bozo.
I've seen a similar rant against Ruger for stuff that old Bill pulled way back when. I tend to focus my opinions on a particular firearm based on my own experiences, not what an owner of the company did or didn't do.
It occurs to me that if we withheld our business from every manufacturer who has done something in the past that we object to, we wouldn't have any from whom we would buy.
Personally I wouldn't care a hoot about what this person (or others like him) think or do. Frankly I don't understand why you apparently do either. I buy and use what I like and consider other opinions to be meaningless.

Forget him and go forward...
I am a fan of S&W firearms - I really don't care much about what others have to say about the company. Personally, I find that S&W manufactures a quality gun, one which I feel that I can trust my life on - and that's that, plain and simple. When it comes down to buying a firearm, buy what YOU desire and don't pay attention to what others say.

just my 2 cents.


Don't get me wrong Fuff, I don't care what he said, I was just wondering if I was in the dark about something else smith had done. It is like seeker stated, Smith now has new management.
I never realized that, Zoomzoom. That is something I will have to look into. I've also heard that Smith has started to produce revolvers without the stupid lock. Is this so?

Someone could make a million from removing Hillary holes from otherwise good Smith revolvers. Can any decent gunsmith do it?
Yes Whalerman, You can probably find how to do it on youtube. I removed the lock on mine from watching a Vid, LOL
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