firearm inventory spreadsheet?

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Just made this up..

not sure how the pictures would work, I was thinking maybe upload the pictures online (flickr, photobucket ect.) and put the link to the gun in the document or something?

it seems i can't upload an excel file, but if you want it pm me.

whats on it is-

Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Action, Caliber, Date Purchased, Purchased From, Cost, Pictures, Description, Date Sold, Sold To.

Its a lot of information, but I feel most of it is relevant in case something is stolen or used in a crime, you have a record of when you got it for how much and where it went to after you.
Why would you want records of every firearm you own? Maybe I'm paranoid, but I wouldn't want anyone to know any of that.
I keep records of all my gun transactions past and present. Part for insurance and part because as I age my memory starts to fade.:) I've also started to track ammo purchases on a spread sheet.

One word of wisdom: if you're married don't share this info with your wife (I had no choice she set up my sheets) it may cost you big time.;)
Yes, I built one with excel, I was trying to post a sample someone could use easily. Oh well they aren't that hard to make.
I've not tried to post an excel spreadsheet here, but try to "Go Advanced" below and click "attachment" icon, then click "browse" and select your file. If that doesn't work it means this bulletin program is not configured for excel documents.
Take a look at this format.

While I don't have a C&R license (yet), I've been tracking my firearms invoentory collection in a modified version of the C&R bound book format. Someone helpfully created XLS and PDF versions of the bound book. I like this format, personally, but added some of the purchase price/current value fields as seen in the above template.

And from another source
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I'm the owner of If anyone here wants to use the service I'll waive the fee and give you an unlimited membership. It just launched so it'd be good to have some people try it out and give me some feedback. PM me if your interested.
I made an Excel spreadsheet that has Makem Model, serial number, price paid, and a picture. On another Tab I track Maintence by month. On the third tab I track rounds shot by month. a final tab has reloading info.
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