FN fans!

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Mar 6, 2005
The FN Forum ( http://fnforum.net ) just hit 4000 members today!

Also, we not have someone directly from the company (FNH) participating in our forum and answering questions in regular Q&A sessions!

If you are interested in the FNP handgun, the FS2000 rifle, the PS90 carbine, FN bolt action rifles, FN shotguns, the Five Seven handgun, the FN FAL or the Hi Power - come check out the FN Forum.

Also, the forum is NO LONGER locked - meaning non members can browse the forum too. But, we hope you come and join as a member.

Come check us out!
Why are you pimping another gun forum on this gun forum? I don't get that... No, it's not just you. A lot of guys do that.

No offense, but I just think it's kinda tacky.
Why are you pimping another gun forum on this gun forum? I don't get that...

Well this one seems OK, it's a very narrow purpose, the FN line of firearms.

Not sure why that would be considered tacky.

If TFL was over here pimping I could see a problem, but niche forums don't seem to compete in anyway with THR; manufacturer specific, location specific, etc.

THR is always my first go to but there are lots of these niche forums that would not be of interest to the general THR population.

I'm not going to be able to have a long deep discussion of West Texas hunting areas here like I might on a Texas Hunting Forum simply because of the audience.

There's a forum with a bunch of Texas reloaders on it, i always find out who has what on sale and in stock. Not likely to find that here either.

If I am looking for more on the M14 than I care to know there are forums dedicated to that too, I don't see them as competition.

Just my opinion anyway....
Gun forums trade these types of posts all the time. Kinda hard to get the word out for smaller forums too. All forums start off somewhere. Years ago in the 1990s - I remember when the 1911 Forums tarted. I helped out by writing a review and passing the word for them.

All of the gun specific/brand specific forums gotta start somewhere.

It's not like I posted an ad for car insurance or something. I also got permission months ago from a staff member here to make posts about the FN Forum. I generally try and ask first.
No offense, but I just think it's kinda tacky.
If Shipwreck had a postcount in the low double digits I believe you'd have a point, however since he's been posting regularly for more than the last two years it seems fine to me that he'd be pointing FN owners to the FN forum.
If they could tell me the FNP-45 comes out I might join

We have regular Q&As with the FN rep on our site. He answered the last 10 questions this past Sunday. It was originally supposed to be released in Nov, as per his October answer.

But, as I have seen this question come up over a dozen times combined across many forums, I asked again. He stated that there was a slight problem in getting the extractors done for the pistol. But, they should come out any time now.

So, go join :D

If Shipwreck had a postcount in the low double digits I believe you'd have a point, however since he's been posting regularly for more than the last two years it seems fine to me that he'd be pointing FN owners to the FN forum.

Thanks for 'dem kind words :)
You say it's not locked, but it won't let me into the FNH USA forum without logging in.
Every forum but 3 are unlocked. The "Site Announcements" section has info and codes on discounts for forum members. That section is for members only. The Q&A is for members only - because, honestly - that is a perk. You don't see very many manufacturers participating in fan forums. So, how hard is it to join up if ya want the "inside info" from the manufacturer...
Shipwreck, honestly I won't sign up for any forums that require me to login to view the stuff. I know you want sign ups for numbers and stuff for advertisers but I'm already registered for so much stuff that unless I see what it is and if I have any real interest I'll just pass on it. If I see it and its interesting I might join to participate. I don't know if anyone else is like me, but just throwing it out there.
I realize that - that is why the forum IS open to non members. Only 3 subsections are not open. I don't see what the big deal is. Have you seen how many subforums we have?

That has been a common complaint from non members - sites requiring people to join to read them (yet, many existing members, on the flip side, LIKE that the forum was locked).

If someone can't come and enjoy 66 open forums (for all to see), and there is fretting about only three other subforums they can't read without joining for free - what can I say....
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Gun forums trade these types of posts all the time. Kinda hard to get the word out for smaller forums too. All forums start off somewhere. Years ago in the 1990s - I remember when the 1911 Forums tarted. I helped out by writing a review and passing the word for them.

All of the gun specific/brand specific forums gotta start somewhere.

It's not like I posted an ad for car insurance or something. I also got permission months ago from a staff member here to make posts about the FN Forum. I generally try and ask first.

Yup, I agree. I don't think many of us visit just one gun board during the day. Most of us go from place to place looking for something interesting to talk about.

If you came over here PM'ing people asking them to leave here and go there, or if you were selling memberships that would be something else. But extending a friendly invite when you're an active member here to another forum seems cool enough to me.

If you had a post count of 2 it wouldn't be so cool. :)
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