for those who appendix carry...

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Discovered Appendix carry about a year ago, and have never gone back to 4 o'clock. I find it far better, for me in my situation:

1. what gun are you carrying there? CZ PCR

2. what holster do you like for appendix position? i'm assuming IWB, but educate me if i'm wrong. most seem angled for 4:00. I'm still using the Comp-Tac CTAC that I bought to use behind the hip. I've looked at Comp-Tacs single-clip Appendix holster, but haven't purchased one yet. The CZ isn't a subcompact and it's not light, so I like having clips on either side of the holster to support the weapon. The rear clip (i.e. 3 o'clock-ish) is clipped to my good 1.5" gunbelt, while the front clip is actually just clipped directly to the top of my pants, behind my belt buckle. I've found that this supports the gun well, while improving concealability and my agility

3. do you find it more/less comfortable than 4:00? More comfortable. I use to have mild lower back pain after carrying the PCR all day. Now, all I have is a sweaty spot on my undershirt behind the holster :scrutiny:

4. do you find it more/less concealable than 4:00? More concealable. This was the real reason I switched. I don't worry about printing while bending or twisting or especially chasing my kids around the playground. As someone else mentioned, I also don't worry about getting 'made' by someone bumping into me in a crowd. How often has someone accidentally bumped you in the stomach?

5. any difference in draw time, either positively or negatively? I think my draw time is improved from the appendix position, plus I don't think a BG would be expecting someone to draw from the 2 o'clock that might give me a slight additional advantage.

6. do you feel there is any increase in the risk of ND at appendix position compared to 4:00? No change. Remaining conscious of my trigger finger/ indexing didn't change, just the location of the pistol on my body.

anything else i'm not thinking of that would be helpful in comparing appendix to 4:00? You have to find what works for you. I don't expect I'll ever carry from 4 o'clock again. Just too many advantages, for me, to appendix carry.
SAWBONES: Or, if you're left-handed, in front of your descending colon (about 11 o'clock).

Somehow, "descending colon carry" just doesn't seem to catch on, though.

That is classic. Thank you....
thanks for the feedback, fellas. it more or less confirmed what i was already thinking. it seemed there were quite a few doing this with an SP101, which is exactly what i will be doing.

thanks again.
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