From "Weird but fun dates"

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Jul 21, 2003
Illinois - The Deadbeat State
Weird Date #5: Shooting Range
Why your date might freak: Suggest to a date that you'd like to fire a few rounds, and yes, it can set off their "psycho" alarm. "I was always deathly afraid of guns," says Michelle Fleece of Philadelphia, PA. And she is not alone.

Why it'll end up fun: Get past wondering whether your date digs violence in an unhealthy way, see this pursuit as a skill test aimed against paper targets, and you'll get quite the adrenaline boost. "Since I lived in a high-crime part of the city, I figured I could at least make myself less scared of them," says Michelle. "And when I did it, I felt quite powerful. We got to keep our shot-up targets to remember our somewhat strange, but ultimately very fun date. It felt good to take on the challenge of something I felt was forbidden and enjoy it."
Wow. She actually got to keep the shot-up targets. :rolleyes: Symbols of violence -- right out in public. :uhoh: But I bet she didn't put them up on her refrigerator door when she got home.
It felt good to take on the challenge of something I felt was forbidden

This is what we're dealing with. It's dismaying. Too many folks grow up feeling that guns are "forbidden" now. A sorry pass we've come to, thanks in large part to the liberal bias of the media and the long-lasting effects of the East Coast liberal elite (supported by their Californian allies) influencing or ruling too many legislative bodies.

The culture some of us old-timers grew up in was totally different; guns were part of most people's lives, almost every household had at least a deer rifle and a shotgun in the house -- and the guns were regarded as tools, perfectly normal accessories for living as they were required for hunting and home defense.

We must strive to somehow get back to the concept that it's not the guns that are bad -- or should be considered "forbidden."
"It felt good to take on the challenge of something I felt was forbidden and enjoy it."

It does feel good excercising one's constitutional rights sometimes, people should try it more often when it comes to the 2nd Amendment. Sad that there are so many out there who think doing so is "forbidden". What sheep we have become.
While you guys are probably right about most of what you are saying, I think you are missing the fact that this person is now exposed in a positive way. Score one for our side.
Since I lived in a high-crime part of the city, I figured I could at least make myself less scared of them.
Less scared of guns? or the wolves? Doesn't sound like she'll run out to buy a gun for self-defense anytime soon. Her misconception.
I bet she didn't put them on her refrigerator door when she got home.
No-but hopefully she'll show them to her friends. Get more involved.
...the fact that this person is now exposed in a positive way. Score one for our side.
We need more than one for our side. The other side seems to score more often than we do. What I don't understand is why they think that's a weird date. Sounds like fun to me! Dates shouldn't be strictly dinner and a movie.(typically the norm) How about 4 wheelin'? Along the same lines as spending a day at the lake or the beach. No one would find it weird to go bowling on a date. Or fishing, or even a hike in the woods. Narrow-mindedness seems to be the issue here. These days, where many seem to be reviving the old-fashioned way of doing things, why do they leave out guns? :cuss:
As I have seen it, a surprising number of girls like shooting crossbows.
I have no idea why this is, but I've seen it on more than one occasion.
Generally in my teen and twenty-something years, at parties where the host has one, and a target set up somewhere convenient--girls who wouldn't touch a gun or a regular bow will draw and fire a crossbow until their arms are trembling, or unil they run out of bolts.
I have a theory that they like shooting but don't like anything that makes more noise than they do.
-Not that I say that while they're shooting, but anyway.... :D
When I saw the title of this thread, I was reminded of the time that Harlan Ellison was invited to appear on "The Dating Game". I forget where he wrote about it, but the story fits the title. It was in the first season of the show, and maybe before any episodes had aired. Harlan accepted, but was quickly disgusted with the tenor of the show. The end came when the girl asked each of the male contestants to describe their idea of the perfect date.

Harlan's response was along the lines of:

I'd ask you to wear your slinkiest evening gown. I'd wear a tuxedo, and pick you up at your apartment in a chauffered limousine. I would have waiting in the limo a picnic basket filled with the finest gourmet foods and champagne, and a pair of ivory-handled .22 caliber pistols. We would go to the city dump, eat our picnic and shoot rats.

That episode never aired.
I've already decided the next girl I get involved with will know right off the bat that I have guns, and that I enjoy them. Hopefully, I'll find one who is at least not scared out of her mind by these evil, death machines.
It was all good.

I read the article when it was posted and was pleased. At first, I wasn't sure it it was completely positive or not. However, it puts the subject of shooting and guns in an "everyday" light. It equates a day at the range with going out to dinner and a movie, but more exciting and fun. I believe the author was doing the sport of shooting a huge favor.
Especially, given the fact that it was on MSN. In my opinion, MSN is left leaning (read Slate every once in a while :rolleyes: ). Of course, a lot of people who can be influenced either way read it also. The author obviously appreciates that fact and wrote her article and specifically that paragraph with that thought in mind.

In closing, I thought it was great to see our sport shed in a positive light to the general populace. ;)
Too many folks grow up feeling that guns are "forbidden" now.

Caitlin Ascolese is a writer in New York and wouldn't mind firing a gun with a date, as long as it's not at each other.

Well, seeing that the author is in New York (presumably NYC), and handguns are in fact forbidden there, and assuming that the interviewees are also New Yorkers, well, you can't really fault her for feeling that way.
I've already decided the next girl I get involved with will know right off the bat that I have guns, and that I enjoy them. Hopefully, I'll find one who is at least not scared out of her mind by these evil, death machines.
After a well over a year long internet friendship I found out she's anti.
Man it sucks...I can deal with her hating Bush for him getting his revenge...but. =(
I was married to a woman who was afraid of guns (and thus leaned anti) for fourteen years. Trust me fellas, no matter how good everything else in the relationship might be, it isn't worth it.

How would you like to be sitting in a McDonald's parking lot while on a family vacation and listening to your wife screaming at you at the top of her lungs about how you're going to go to jail for having a gun and how she's not going to come visit you when you're locked up, etc. etc. - all because she'd just discovered that you chose to bring along a sidearm to protect your family? (It was unloaded at that time, too!) Oh, and let's not forget having everyone within fifty yards gawking at you because it's a hot summer day and the car windows are down.

Sound like fun?

These days I screen all my dates first and those with an unreasoning prejudice against firearms are stricken from the list pronto - no matter how attractive or sweet. I'll tolerate neutrals but not hoplophobes or rabid anti's. I'm not going through that hell again, no sir. Been there, done that, ain't going back.
My fiance' was scared of guns when we first started dating. She eventually came around and now carries a Charter 2000 .357 magnum everday with her when she goes to work.

She's no gun nut, but she most secondly supports my second amendment rights.
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