Front sight paint

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Apr 15, 2004
Looking for something to paint my front sight with for a little more contrast. Got any paint and color recommendations?
I clean my front site with alcohol. I buy Chevy orange ENGINE paint at the auto part store and apply it with a very small paint brush.
It lasts a very long time and is not effect by oils or solvents. They sell many colors, not just orange.
Good luck
Bright Sights ain't a bad product. It's a little tempermental to apply, is a bit pricey and the glow in the dark versions stink.

Having said that I have a set and sometimes use it.

However I know of something much better and easier.

Testor's Paint Markers


Real Hobby/Model Enamel in a magic marker style pen.

Available at most Hobby Shops for $3.29 retail.
Also order online from Walther's

The colours are,

2503 Paint Marker -- Gloss Red
2508 Paint Marker -- Gloss Light Blue
2511 Paint Marker -- Gloss Dark Blue
2514 Paint Marker -- Gloss Yellow
2524 Paint Marker -- Gloss Green
2527 Paint Marker -- Gloss Orange
2538 Paint Marker -- Gloss Gray
2540 Paint Marker -- Gloss Brown
2544 Paint Marker -- Metallic Gold
2545 Paint Marker -- Gloss White
2546 Paint Marker -- Metallic Silver
2547 Paint Marker -- Gloss Black
2549 Paint Marker -- Flat Black
2575 Paint Marker -- Flourescent Red

You can color a front sight in less that 30 seconds. It's a breeze to apply even to a somewhat dirty gun. It lasts fairly well and is easy to touch up.
And one marker will last you almost a lifetime as long as you keep the cap on. I have some that are 10 years old and they still work great.

The flourescent Red and other bright colours age great for handgun sights and the gold and silver are the best for touching up those old Winchester and Marlin bead front sights.
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Finger nail polish. comes with a brush in the cap and there are all kinds of very bright colors avilable.

Priced from less than a dollar a bottle.

The best I've found is Testor's FLOURESCENT model paint. They make a set of four-five colors, a bottle of thinner, and a brush (which you won't use) for around $6. More than you'll ever use.

The Bright Sights stuff is OK, but dries out very quickly. While you get enough for several sights, you better do them all at once. Don't do one now and set the stuff aside...

The Testor's paint is very resistant to solvents and easily renewed, should that prove necessary. You can buy a bottle of just one color at Wal-Mart. I prefer the set, as I can mix colors (like green and yellow for the front sight, and yellow and red for the rear) to get the combination that looks best.
Just grind the sites off don't need on a SD pistol as most of fights are spitting distance. I just love saving people time and money :D :D
I painted mine flourescent orange (acrylic) I got from the art/frame store here in town. Make sure you lay a base coat of white down or else your top color won't be bright, even if it is a flourescent.
I like bright white the best, and Liquid Paper, etc are the brightest whites there are. And they dry quickly.
The Liquid Paper works great, for short periods. The first time you hit it with cleaning solvents (or, if you get the kind that isn't waterproof, water) you have to redo it.
Any problems with losing a white sight on a white background? I was having problems picking up my black sights on a black background and could see the same problems using white. Kinda makes me think a color like orange that isnt as common would be a better choice.
I tried white, yellow, and flourescent orange. I found flourescent orange to be the best. I use Testor's, and I apply it with a toothpick.
I use Testors. I lay down a coat of white first with a toothpick. After it dries, I do a coat of orange with a toothpick. Follow up with a coat of clear fingernail polish for a sealer and it will last a VERY long time.
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