FWIW: A Modest Plan

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 1, 2003
SouthEast PA
Cross posted from http://geekwitha45.blogspot.com/2004_04_04_geekwitha45_archive.html#108144094991847446


A lengthy blog discussion between various participants indicates a lot of uncertainty as to what to do in the "middle ground" between the usual (voting/writing/talking/joining the NRA) and the opposite extreme where no one really wants to go. (taking up arms)

We all note the various unique difficulties surrounding civil disobedience concerning guns, and that forming up million freeman marches and other forms of mass protest is problematic at best.

That being said:

Democracy works for whoever shows up.

The things we've done, the letters, the faxes, the emails, they all have impact. They change the course of the river of history.

I spent some quality time on the phone yesterday with a fellow from the GOA, discussing a particularly heinous proposal for a Pennsylvania AWB.

There's no support for it at this time, it's not likely to go anywhere. I'm on the hot list in case it twitches, and y'all will know if it twitches 5 minutes after I do.

In the course of that conversation, I asked if we, the online community, actually had an impact with regards to S. 1805, not only with the legislators themselves, but with the strategy of the NRA.

Rough Quote From Memory:
"Oh, there is no doubt the NRA changed their strategy in response to grassroots pressure, and you guys had a lot to do with that."

If anything, we suffer from a dearth of imagination. We know that there's a lot of middle ground between what we've done, and the need to overtly take up arms, but few courses of action that seem substantially effective suggest themselves.

Like Hudson, it's time for us to rediscover our own spines. If we look over our shoulders and down, we'll find that it's right where it's always been, between our heads and our asses.

More importantly, it's time to engage our imaginations, and stride forth into that middle territory of activism to make our stands.

Enter Reader Airboss, who's recent trip to Austin not only bears fruit, but suggests a course of action.

Airboss has suggested that his ad-hoc group be named The Gonzales Group, after the first battle of the Texas revolution, which was centered on a cannon. Here's the flag the townsfolk flew:

[flag graphic: a star, a cannon, and the phrase "Come and Take It"]

Folks back then didn't tend to know Greek, but the spirit of "Molon Labe" is evident.

Here's the step by step course of action suggested by Airboss and his ad-hoc crew:

Direct Lobbyism by Ad-Hoc Concerned Citizen Committees

Since Democracy seems to work for people who show up, it's time to show up in great numbers.

Sure, there's a lot of apathy, but there's also a lot of US who aren't. What we need to do is bring some "force multipliers" into play.

Let's also do something that is feasible, on a workable scale. We recognize that organizing a million freeman march, or any similiar mass protest is a pain in the ass, but organizing a 5 man ad-hoc committee of concerned citizens is a different thing altogether.

If one person has an impact, a five person team will have a greater impact.
A five person team who show up for face time has a lot more impact.
A LOT of 5 man teams, all advocating for Liberty, is irresistible.

Resistance isn't futile for us. It's futile for the politicians.

1) Find 3-5 People who are of like mind in your state. You don't have to see exactly eye to eye, you don't have to be friends, but you do have to be able to work together on an ad-hoc basis. You may or may not already know 5 people, and if you don't, you'll have to actively seek them out.

2) Identify the Liberty/Gun issues that are most pressing, relevant, and actionable in your region In dark & fascist places, you're most likely going to be fighting defensive actions, trying to prevent something heinous from being enacted. In more enlightened climates, you'll be able to propose things to move FORWARD, along the lines of additional reforms and decriminalizations.

3) Formulate Your Proposal. You don't have to write a bill, that's for professional legal eagles to do. What you DO have to do is have a clear, bullet pointed list of what it is you want to achieve, and be prepared to talk about it, and handle obvious objections.

4) Identify 3 Legislators In Your State Friendly To Your Issue. (Ideally, you also want to know who your 3 biggest enemies are, but that will make itself apparent in time)

5) Call them up, and create a relationship with them. Initially, you'll be creating a relationship with a staffer in their office. THOSE are the guys to know, they inform their legislator on the issues. Your initial goal will simply be to get your name recognized, which will come with time and contact. Eventually, you'll be wanting a sit down with the legislator to discuss your proposals. Pace yourself. Relentless consistency is the key.

Find your Freedom Buddies, and form up.

How long can they really last with everyone shouting Show me the Freedom! every time they turn around?
I think that the best idea and line in this whole story was: "Resistance is not futile."

Apathy is futile. Resistance, even if not productive in the short run, has its effect. It lets the enemy know that they won't get what they want for free, and it lets those in the middle know that they may also bear a cost for letting the enemy triumph. People tend to shy away from a conflict if they know that their triumph won't be easy - so don't let them win for free!

Examples of successes in this regard are boycotts of businesses and celebrities. All of them have higher-ups to answer to, people who are interested in money more than anything else. Let a movie studio know that the anti-gun stance of some mindless actor or actress has cost them money, and they tell the person to **** about their personal views. Maybe not right away, maybe not if you are alone in doing this, but over time and with sufficient numbers such actions help. Calling or writing, by the hundreds or thousands, to a business that posts against the carrying of arms almost always succeeds in having the policy reversed. The need for sufficient numbers is what makes forums like THR so valuable (among many other reasons).

I firmly subscribe to what Winston Churchill said about conflict:

Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never, in nothing, great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
I think that the best idea and line in this whole story was: "Resistance is not futile."

Apathy is futile. Resistance, even if not productive in the short run, has its effect. It lets the enemy know that they won't get what they want for free, and it lets those in the middle know that they may also bear a cost for letting the enemy triumph. People tend to shy away from a conflict if they know that their triumph won't be easy - so don't let them win for free!

Examples of successes in this regard are boycotts of businesses and celebrities. All of them have higher-ups to answer to, people who are interested in money more than anything else. Let a movie studio know that the anti-gun stance of some mindless actor or actress has cost them money, and they tell the person to **** about their personal views. Maybe not right away, maybe not if you are alone in doing this, but over time and with sufficient numbers such actions help. Calling or writing, by the hundreds or thousands, to a business that posts against the carrying of arms almost always succeeds in having the policy reversed. The need for sufficient numbers is what makes forums like THR so valuable (among many other reasons).

Another way to let the opposition know that they won't win, at least not without cost, is to continually let antis know how many gunowners there are, and how determined they are to keep their weapons. No, not everyone will fight or even help out, but if only 1% of gunowners are very serious, this means that 850,000 people will be a very serious opposition to a confiscation scheme. Even if 1% of 1% actually takes up arms, this is 8,500 people. Let the antis know that only 2 morons (with few skills and who stupidly left clues behind) paralyzed 2 states and DC for several weeks in the Fall of 2003, even with thousands of cops searching for them. Then ask them what would the effect of their misguided policies be if they set off 8,500 more skilled people with no desire to be caught? Let them know what we are worried about and what the consequences may be, and possibly they'll back off a bit. If not, then nothing is lost, because that's coming down the pike anyway.

I firmly subscribe to what Winston Churchill said about conflict:

Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never, in nothing, great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.
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