(GA) Beef up limits on guns (gov't schools at work....)

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

January 14, 2003 Tuesday Home Edition


LENGTH: 399 words

HEADLINE: Beef up limits on guns


SOURCE: For the Journal-Constitution

I never knew my grandfather. My mother was only 3 when her 28-year-old father was shot and killed.

He was cleaning his gun and did not realize it was loaded. My grandfather had bought the gun for protection, since he owned a dry cleaning business. Instead of protecting him and his family, this gun ruined the lives of his wife and three small children.

Guns destroy too many innocent men, women and children. We need strict gun control laws to reduce the number of guns in America.

Bringing a gun into a home for protection will not increase the security and safety of the gun owner and his family. The chance of death is increased by bringing guns into homes where curious children sometimes look through their parents' drawers, where depressed teenagers sometimes think suicidal thoughts and where married couples sometimes fight.

Even with background checks, there is no way to determine whether someone is sane or responsible enough to own or possess a gun. Many people have lapses in their sanity during trying or emotional times.

There is no way to tell whether someone will do harm to themselves or others with a gun. Guns in the right hands do not make law-abiding people safer. Burglars do not fear getting shot, and criminals do not face much of a threat from armed victims.

Banning the ownership of guns is unrealistic. Too many people own guns, and it would be very difficult to collect them. A less drastic and more reasonable approach is to have stricter gun-control laws.

With more gun laws, the number of guns on the street would decline. If the government made it harder for people to get guns, they would be less compelled to get them. Fewer guns would make our society safer.

Opponents of gun control do not want laws imposed that will restrict their right to own guns, regardless of the cost in human lives. Rich, powerful lobbyists, such as the National Rifle Association, will fight most laws that try to control ownership of guns. Unfortunately, the poor victims, such as my grandfather, are unable to vote.

The lack of gun laws is ridiculous. Guns have hurt too many people both physically and mentally, and this needs to stop. As we experienced recently with the sniper attacks around Washington, no one is safe. Guns do not protect us; they threaten us.

Luis Finley-Price is a sophomore at Druid Hills High School in DeKalb County.
Unfortunately, his grandfather reproduced before his Darwinian departure, and this moron was ultimately spawned.
I read this same article some weeks or months ago. Sounds like it got pulled out and re-printed, or submitted to yet another paper?

PS: How the heck do you clean a loaded gun? I have yet to figure out how to pull that one off. Maybe you just throw it in the dishwasher ...?
I think if she can see some people at the range she would understand. When I see women punch X-rings at 50 yards with a handgun, I almost feel sorry for anyone who would attack her. Almost.
"While cleaning his gun" seems to be the phrase that replaces "shot himself in a successful suicide attempt but we'll say it was an accident for the insurance people".
I have never yet seen any way to run a rod through a barrel that has a cartridge in it.
Yeah, TexasVet, and "I was cleaning my gun and it accidently went off and killed my wife" sounds a lot better than "my wife and I had an argument and I got mad and shot her"

"Cleaning the gun" is one of the oldest lies around. Analogous to "it wasn't me!"

I bet most of those people never cleaned their guns in the first place.
A couple of replies found their way into the editorial page this morning...pretty much said the same thing you good folks said....
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