Get into shape physically to be a better shooter!

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M38, as i said in the other post "age, any pre existing medical issues, goals, amount of time you have per week to dedicate, and other variables." have to be taken into account. And:

"advice that does not take the above into account can range from counter productive to dangerous."

I have had my fair share of physical setbacks. You have to learn to work with them, work around them, or through them, but work you must. ;)
So True! So True!

Pass the potato chips. Where is that damn remote control? Oh, I'm sitting on it.

Is one definition of Inertia: "Bodies at rest tend to stay at rest. Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion?"

Overcoming inertia, is that an appropriate use of force?

I slept through high school physics, to my undying shame. Well, to be fair, my teacher did not speak English and I did not speak Chezch.
This is one of the things I need to get into soon. In December, God-Willing, I will have not smoked for a year, that is a start. Thank God for that...LOL.

One of the first things I noticed after moving back to the Lower-48 after living in Alaska for four years, was the amount of heavier people. That was back in 2002, so things might have changed by now. I have noticed I am a bit heavier, not that bad, but more than I want to be. I suspect quitting smoking ciggies has something to do with that. Also living in an apartment with Girlfriend and getting to eat everyday is a not helping either.

If I want water, I just go to the tap and turn it on, instead of driving into Homer, filling 5 gal. Water Jerry Cans, driving back out East End Road. Parking quarter mile from cabin, putting water cans on rucksack frame and walking back to cabin, then back for the other can...LOL. No walking out to the outhouse, putting on tire chains here Toledo, Ohio...list goes on...LOL.

Less active here, I have a friend who lives out of town and I go over to his place to help clear land just to keep me in practice in the use of axe, saw, and machete. Need to get back into backpacking, took Girlfriend once, she did not like it...LOL.

Hopefully this Winter we actually get some snow, see if my cross country skis still work. Winters here are fairly warmer though, snow does not stay long, so will try to think of another solution. Anyway, good topic.
This is one of the things I need to get into soon. In December, God-Willing, I will have not smoked for a year, that is a start. Thank God for that...LOL.

That's very true, smoking is very bad.
I see these hot little nurses standing outside the hospital, smoking in the cold. I always advise them to stop that smoking, because by the age of 50 they will get those little creases around the mouth like a cat's a*us ;)
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